Ditch the Diet basic

Ditch the Diet in 2017 – #1

Ditch the Diet in 2017 #1 It’s the first of January, we are surrounded by new year’s resolutions, diet adverts, gym membership discounts and even … Read more

Weigh, Lose or Stay #21

Weigh, Lose or Stay Week Twenty Sigh, I’m struggling. I’m kind of fed up, but really want to hit goal too.  A friend said to … Read more

Weigh, Lose or Stay #20

Weigh, Lose or Stay Week Nineteen I wasn’t expecting anything great this week, I was kind of hoping that I would stay the same though. … Read more

Weigh, Lose or Stay #17

Weigh, Lose or Stay Week Sixteen TWO STONE! (At last). Sorry I had to lead with that, I was quite excited. As I mentioned last week, … Read more

Weigh, Lose or Stay #16

Weigh, Lose or Stay Week Fifteen I had a confession last week and I have a confession this week too. If I’m being honest, these … Read more

Weigh, Lose or Stay #15

Weigh, Lose or Stay Week Fourteen I have a confession, I haven’t been as well behaved as I should have been on the diet this … Read more

Weigh, Lose or Stay #14

Weigh, Lose or Stay Week Thirteen A better week, after not losing anything off my measurements last week, I have lost 7cm this week, including … Read more

Weigh, Lose or Stay #12

Weigh, Lose or Stay Week Eleven   Two weeks post holiday I have another 1.25lbs to go and I’m back to where I was before … Read more

Weigh, Lose or Stay #11

Weigh, Lose or Stay Week Ten   My first week back on the diet after my holidays. I wanted to get straight back on it … Read more