Laura’s Library

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Laura’s Library

Welcome to Laura’s Library. My corner of the blog dedicated to everything fabulously bookish. Books are such a massive part of my life and a passion, one I want to pass onto my children too. I also have a degree in English literature and have read from the classics, to my recent love of romance. I’m not a book snob and as long as you love it what does it matter?

Laura’s Library – Genres Reviewed

I no longer review adult books as it’s just too time consuming for me to read and review them, although I still write about what I read, they are usually books I purchase myself and I can read at my own pace without commitment. But I do review lots of children’s books on the blog regularly. So if you would like a children’s book review then please get in contact.

My children’s ages are: 8 years old, 5 years old and 1 years old (2 in June 2020)

How Does Our Rating System Work?

1 Star – Awful, can I have my time back please?

2 Stars – Ok, but not the best book I have ever read

3 Stars – Good, an average but still enjoyable book

4 Stars – Brilliant, couldn’t put it down

5 Stars – Amazing, one of the best books I have ever read

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Read All Book Corner Posts

Laura's Book Corner

I Read Trash and I Don’t Care

I Read Trash And I Don’t Care I think as long as I can physically remember I have loved books. As a little girl there was never enough for me…

fairy door prize

CHILDREN’S BOOK REVIEW: Through the Fairy Door by Elaine and Laura Nelson & Competition to WIN A Book & Fairy Door

Through the Fairy Door by Elaine and Laura Nelson Illustrated by Ste Johnson 44 Pages Children’s Stories Published by My Own Fairy Ltd Age range: 5+ Through the Fairy Door…

Laura's Book Corner

Introducing Laura’s Book Corner

Introducing Laura’s Book Corner I have wanted to launch a book area on the blog for a while, so long in fact I had the banner for the area designed…

Storytelling Challenge: Chia the Healthy Troll

Chia the Healthy Troll As part of National Storytelling Day, Room to Grow set several bloggers a challenge. We each had to set each other a character, setting and object…

Fifty Shades of Grey

50 Shades & Why Feminists Should Be Embracing It

I know, I know, are a few of you rolling your eyes at me? Perhaps it’s at the title, or perhaps because here is yet another blog post about those…

Mills and Swoon

All someone has to do is mention the name to cue some serious behind the hand chortling from the person you speak to. Producing visions of 50+ year old housewives…

The Bookworm Goes Green

Back in February I wrote a blog post about my indecision over whether to buy an ereader or not. My main concerns over this purchase were: Cost: why aren’t ebooks…

Guest Book Review – Broken by Kelley Armstrong

Written by Helen Light I love the Werewolf Women of the Otherworld series written by Kelley Armstrong. Bitten, lent to me by my sister, was the first book of the…

Sex and Plot

Sex. It sells. It entertains. This is nothing new. We all know this, it’s been doing so for thousands of years. You can find it wherever you look. On the…

Rock, Scissors, Kindle

I am, without a doubt, a book publisher’s dream. Simply because I love books; I love to read and I couldn’t imagine my life without them. Back in my commuting…