MONTHLY REVIEW: September 2016

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Well, I am totally late with this feature this month, in general September could be summarised as a month of disorganisation. I have taken on too much in my life and have struggled getting the balance right. Which has led me to make some changes. I have looked at all of my commitments and decided after some deliberation to stop being a Cambridge Weight Plan consultant, which I will write about in more detail over the next week. I can only manage so much and I do not wish to put my daughter in any extra childcare, so something has to give. I’m actually really relieved now that I have made the decision so I know it is the right one.

Top Posts

Top Things That Have Made Me Happy

  • I am still taken aback and excited by my blog ratings. Last month’s Tots100 rating was #19 on the parenting blogs and although this month I have dropped to #27 I am still absolutely delighted with that. My Hibs100 score has not changed since last month and remains at #4 which is just amazing.
  • My DA went from 31 to 44, which I was gobsmacked about. I guess all of my guest posts are starting to pay off!
  • I have been chosen to be a Brand Ambassador for Kerrie Davis Jewellery.
  • I went to the Funfest blogging conference and really enjoyed it. It was so nice to go to a conference where I could take my son along too.
  • I have agreed some really exciting blog opportunities over the next month, which I am so very excited about. Including some really big brands.
  • My freelance work is growing too, so lots of new and exciting things going on.
  • In terms of stats, I have seen the following growth:
    • My Facebook has grown from 1100 to 1200 (+100)
    • Twitter from 8000 to 8350 on Twitter (+350).
    • On Instagram I have gone from  1830 to 2065 (+195)
    • I’m really pleased with this growth, particularly given how busy I have been. I have now also exceeded all of my social media targets that I set myself at the beginning of the year for 2016.
  • I have worked with the following brands: Harley Street Hair Clinic, Liberty Trading, EatSleepDoodle, Purrfect Cat Box.

Things To Focus on in October

Here are my goals for October:

  • As last month was a month of disorganisation, unfortunately a lot of my goals are the same, but I still like to write them down.
  • Get organised, start planning and get on top of my in-box.
  • Get better with my commenting and join in some linkys.
  • My social media goals for growth this month are +300 on Twitter, +150 on Instagram and +50 on Facebook.
  • Write another guest blog post and continue to do at least one per month.
  • Update my About Me page.

How about you, how was your September and what are your blogging plans? xxx

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