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Well if you follow my blog, you will probably notice there have hardly been any blog posts this week. Unfortunately at the weekend I came down with gastro-enteritis or food poisoning, I’m not sure which and I have to say it is the most knocked out I have been with an illness in a long time. For at least 3 days I was barely able to do much more than curl up on the sofa and quite frankly not be a great parent! On the 4th day I decided I needed to get the children out the house, we walked to the local park and I must have looked so awful as a Mum very kindly offered to push Aria on the swing for me so that I could sit down. So I just needed to put myself and my children first for a week and focus on getting better.

If you link up to my monthly linky Lovely Things, it will be a week late and will go live next Monday – 11th instead.

Top Posts

Top Things That Have Made Me Happy

  • Well, I have been keeping it quiet until all of the details were fully confirmed as I didn’t want to jinx myself, but I think the most exciting thing for me is that in a couple of weeks my family and I are off to Nice to review some apartments for the blog and I am super excited about this! Actually that is probably an understatement!
  • I have been nominated for three MADS – a huge thank you to anyone who has nominated me. I am utterly thrilled. I very much doubt I will be shortlisted, but to be nominated really means a lot.
  • I had some extra design bits done on my blog – do you like my new category buttons? A blog post to come on that soon – as I said behind at the moment!
  • In terms of stats, I have seen the following growth:
    • My Facebook has grown from 760 to 800 (+40).
    • Twitter from 6000 to 6600 on Twitter (+600).
    • On Instagram I have gone from  1100 to 1200 (+100)
    • My domain authority took a huge leap, up 7 points which I’m delighted about to 33.
  • Here’s how I did with my goals from March:
    • Finally finished updating all my information and linky pages
    • Written a guest post for The Mumington Post – details to come soon.
    • My big fail was growing my Twitter to 7000 from 6000, I guess I was a bit ambitious on that one. But I am doing some work with another blogger who might be able to help with that one, so watch this space 🙂 .

Things To Focus on in April

Here are my goals for April:

  • Ok so I want to hit 7000 Twitter followers, 1300 Instagram and 850 Facebook. I think Facebook will be my biggest challenge.
  • Finish updating all of my new categories inline with my new designs.
  • Commit to another guest post.
  • I am also doing some work with some other bloggers where we are coaching one another, swapping strengths and weaknesses, so I am really looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into that!

How about you, how was your March and what are your blogging plans? xxx

The List

5 thoughts on “MONTHLY REVIEW: March 2016”

  1. Your new category buttons look great, love them! You are doing great at growing your social media/ DA etc recently too. I hope that you have an amazing time in Nice and I can’t wait to read all about it on your return. I hope you are feeling a bit better now and can relax and enjoy your holiday xx

  2. I’m so pleased you are feeling better! And now have some answers too! A good March to say how much illness you’ve dealt with. That alongside sleep deprivation! Super woman, lady! I absolutely love your new category buttons. I cannot wait to see and hear all about Nice! xx


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