Lovely Things #12 – March 2016


Lovely Things

Welcome to March’s Lovely Things. Has everyone had a lovely February? I have to admit it was a bit of a tough month for me as my husband was away for most of the month, I’ve also been ill and then just this week my son has had a rotten stomach bug. But that is why I love this linky, because although things have been tough it’s always nice to look back on the good things that have happened in the month. Sorry it’s a bit late going live today, with all of the sickness I am running a bit behind and decided to take the day off yesterday for Mother’s Day!

A 90th Birthday Party

My Nan turned 90 last month. Which I think is pretty amazing. We had a afternoon tea party for her with all of her children, grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. I can honestly say when I grow up I want to be like her. She embraces life, loves to party and has the best swimming hats known to man.

90th birthday party

A Trip To A Farm & Wellington Country Park

We’ve had a couple of lovely days out, despite the weather. The first was to Bockett’s farm, near Leatherhead with friends and we have a great day. Aria kept making me taking up and down the giant slide in the soft play area on repeat. We also got to feed and stroke lots of animals which was super cute. The second was to Wellington Country Park near Reading. I went with a lovely Mum friend I have made through Twitter and we have met a few times now and get on really well. It was exceptionally muddy – and if you know me you will know I’m not actually very fond of mud! I also discovered Aria was not in the least bit fond of it either! But we still have a really fun day out, Logan was delighted to see some dinos and getting a ride on a (children’s) quad bike.

Lunch Out & Mother’s Day

Yesterday was of course Mother’s Day. I hope a lot of you Mums had a nice day? My day started with a much needed two hour lie-in. I almost felt human again. I also got some beautiful flowers and a canvas of me and the children – I just need to decide where to hang it!

My other lovely mention for this month has to be our visit to review Jamie’s Italian in Reading. We went in the week my husband was back home between travelling. He went to the States for two weeks, was home for a week and then went to India for two weeks. It was a really lovely meal out and much needed family time. It is one of those times when I was really grateful for the opportunities this blog gives my family and I.

Handbag Happiness

Another month, another bag. My husband did put me on a bit of a bag buying ban too (oops!). But I couldn’t resist this Pink Lining rucksack in the Leap Day sale. We’re going to Nice In April and that will be the first time I have flown with the children, so I wanted a rucksack to fit in travelling and change bag essentials. How cute are the little dalmatians?

That was my lovely things from February – what are yours?

The Rules

The first Monday of every month I will host the Linky, all you need to do to join is:

– Write about something lovely, be it a new purchase, a favourite item you’ve had forever but want to share, a great book, home decorating, maybe a lovely experience like a beauty treatment or coffee with a friend, new shoes, make-up, handbag, whatever it is as long as it’s lovely I want to know about it! 🙂

– This Linky is open to every type of blogger no matter what your chosen blogging subject.

– Grab the Lovely Things badge and pop it in your post

– Use the #lovelythings hashtag on Twitter and Instagram

– Comment on the host’s post

– Share the love – try and read & comment on 3 other blogs listed on the Linky

– Tweet me (@laurasummers) with your Link up and & I will retweet it to my followers

– The linky will remain open for one week

Grab the Badge

Lovely Things
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14 thoughts on “Lovely Things #12 – March 2016”

  1. I love that bag!! Must be difficult with hubby going away, but then it makes the time that you do have together even more special. Happy birthday to your grandmother – she sounds pretty amazing!

  2. A two hour lie in? ! Heaven! I hope you enjoyed every minute. Your nan is amazing, you are so blessed to still have a grandparent, lovely that you could celebrate her birthday in such fine style! Love your new bag (as always) and congratulations on surviving 4 weeks of solo-parenting, such hard work xxx #lovelythings

    • It was heaven, if only it could happen every week! My Nan is fab and we definitely celebrated her birthday in style. Thanks I love the bag too 😉

  3. That bag is gorgeous. How wonderful to celebrate your nan’s birthday and that she can live to an old age! I’m glad Mothers Day was great for you. The farm and outdoor trips sound fantastic and I really enjoyed seeing all the great things you have been doing! Also, the pictures are fab, I love the way you have done them side by side! It looks so cool.

    Angela x

  4. Must be so hard when Ben is away for the whole month Laura! You must all miss him terribly! We can’t wait to visit Bocketts over Easter – its not far from us and the boys always have such a great day out there! Happy Birthday to your nan too! #LovelyThings

    • We’re getting used to it, but it isn’t always easy. It’s just about finding our own routines I think and Bocketts was fab, we definitely want to go again x

  5. love love love the bag so much! My Nan also had a big birthday in February turning 70. She celebrated at TGI Fridays…completely her choice! 😀 #lovelythings


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