My 2021 Goals & 2020 Achievements

picture of desk with laptop, cup of coffee, and planning notes and stationery

It’s nearly February, so I am a bit late for this. But, better late than never. When I wrote this post last year. I have absolutely no idea what the year in front of us was going to be like. None of us did, so a lot of my plans for last year went to pot and that’s ok, we just had to get through and manage as best as we could. I still think it’s nice to reflect after a year has past and to think of

My 2020 Achievements

Here are some of the things I am proud of for 2020:

  • Kept my business running, despite the global pandemic and homeschooling my children for 6 months of it
  • Facebook grown from 2190 to 2500 (+310) 185
  • Instagram grown from 4930 to 5880 (+950) 1055
  • Twitter grown from 14,500 to 15,400 (+900) 900
    • All of the growth was more or the same as last year which was great
  • Worked very hard at improving my Instagram engagement and content – which now sits at 2.5-3% engagement
  • Huge increase in engagement and community on my Twitter feed
  • Spent the year in the Tots100 for the second year running
  • Worked to improve my Pinterest account I have a way to go, but as a consequence, I have seen a 100% increase in traffic
  • Learnt gardening! I have always declared myself to be terrible at gardening, but with lockdown and looking at activities I can do at the children we grew all sorts of vegetables. The most successful being green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and courgettes.
  • We did a big protect in the garden. Had a new patio and created a play area with mud kitchen and playhouse for the children.
  • Featured in iNews, discussing our decision to take the children out of school early at Christmas due to the pandemic (which turned out to be pointless).
  • Despite the difficult times, I took part in some great campaigns. Mainly from Natwest, LifeSearch, Bracknell Council Parks Campaign and Aldi.
  • Read 45 books
  • Managing to go on holiday in August to Wales, which we all needed ao much
  • Learning more about myself as a Mum, stepping outside of my comfort zone in order to support them through the Pandemic

2020 Blogging Goals

It’s quite hard to set goals at the moment, when potentially the children may not be back at school until May, another 4 months of homeschooling. I have had to turn some work down, simply because I just cannot manage it all at the moment. Bo is going to pre-school 3 mornings a week now which helps, but at the moment my children really need me.

I am spending time instead looking at the balance of work / parenting and my mental health during this incredibly difficult time. The most exciting thing going on at the moment is that I have started working with a Coach. To look at growing my confidence and the next step for my career, so I am a development in progress! But here are a few goals I have this year:

  • Complete my coaching course so I can focus on my next steps and personal growth
  • Getting into a regular pattern of writing and work hard to finish my book
  • To enjoy wearing my personal style – wear clothes I enjoy – this is something I have started doing in lockdown and it really makes me feel better about myself
  • On the blog focus on quality content, but less often
  • Grow my email database
  • Continue to grow my Pinterest and have a monthly plan for improving SEO
  • Try and build more exercise and time for the things I really enjoy into my daily life
  • Look into doing a photoshop course hopefully later in the year
  • Commit to a de-cluttering task at least once a week
  • Continue with the gardening I learnt last year and grow my veggies and plants with the children
  • Grow my Instagram account and continue to focus on engagement – brave doings some Reels!
  • Build up our savings and worked and improving budgeting and reducing our regular bills. I think because of this and the current climate I’m not sure we’ll do much decorating or big projects this year

What are your goals for 2021 other than just getting through as best you can in the current climate.

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