Things We Did This Half Term – October 2017

Things We Did This Half Term - October 2017 - Aria in a tree

Things We Did This Half Term – October 2017

This half term felt like a long time coming and we were all really in need of a holiday by the time that it arrived. It felt like a very long 7 weeks, particularly I think as we moved house on the first day of term and I couldn’t wait to have time off with my little ones.

The Friday before half term was actually Logan’s birthday, so after school we headed off to Frankie and Benny’s (his choice) for dinner and then launched into a weekend of celebrations. We ended up having a pretty quiet half term with just a few playdates in the end, as I just felt like my children needed a break more than lots of activities. Although we did still have lots of fun.

Saturday 21st October

 Things We Did This Half Term - October 2017 - Logan and cousins on car

Saturday was the day of Logan’s birthday party. After some deliberation, we decided to have smaller party for him at home rather than to invite the whole class. So we invited 10 friends to our house, and got The Reptile Man in. He brought snakes, reptiles, a tortoise and turtle for each of the children to learn about which was all good fun. This was followed by pizza, cake and pass the parcel – lots of fun!

 Things We Did This Half Term - October 2017 - holding reptiles

Sunday 22nd October

After a late night out on Friday evening and Logan’s birthday party, which he was so tired after he didn’t get around to opening his presents, we had a quiet day at home. Mainly opening and playing with said new presents and enjoying eating the leftover cake!

Monday 23rd October

I was quite laid back about our plans for Monday, I had wondered about taking the children to the cinema. But when we go up in the morning Aria started getting really upset over breakfast and was clearly quite overwhelmed. This term she has moved up to 15 hours or 4 days per week at pre-school and she found it a step up. After breakfast she was so tearful I calmed her down and ended up putting her down for a nap. So we decided to have another day in and play with new toys and a DVD afternoon.

Tuesday 24th October

Things We Did This Half Term - October 2017 - Aria throwing leaves

We invited some friends over for lunch as we haven’t had any playdates since we’ve moved house. The children had a great time and we all had a tasty lunch together.

Wednesday 25th October

We were invited over to one of Logan’s school friends for lunch. It was nice for Logan to see his friends out of school and also for me to get to know another Mum.

Thursday 26th October

 Things We Did This Half Term - October 2017 - day with NCT friends

On Thursday, we met up with some of our NCT friends. I love that 6 years on we are still friends and meet up and I am very grateful that I did an NCT course. It was lovely to see all the children play together and catch up with friends.

Friday 27th October

We had another day at home and did some baking and we were sent some toys to review for the blog, so spent time playing and reviewing them. You can read about our baking in our Lalaloopsy review.

Saturday 28th October

Things We Did This Half Term - October 2017 - Logan climbing a tree

On Saturday we went on a trip to the Woods and had fun playing in the leaves, climbing trees and running about with the dog. It was great autmun fun!

Sunday 29th October

We finished half term off with a visit from Logan and Aria’s grandparents, uncle and Great aunt (another photo fail!), which was a great way to end the week before back to school on Monday. Here is the Lego cake Logan’s Nana made for him though when she visited.

 Things We Did This Half Term - October 2017 - Logan's Lego cake from Nana

What did you get up to this half term?

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