Our New Sofas & Front Room Mini Makeover with Sofology

*This is a collaborative post

Our New Sofas & Front Room Mini Makeover with Sofology

Our New Sofas & Front Room Mini Makeover with Sofology

Back in November I wrote about how we were planning to update our front room with the help of Sofology. We moved house in September and the front room was one of my least favourite rooms of the house. When we moved, I also realised how tired our sofas were looking, they were nearly ten years old and definitely in need of a refresh.

The front room decor was definitely not to my taste, with a big red pillar in the middle of the room, an old-fashioned uplighter that emitted a very poor light and some curtains left behind by the previous owners that again weren’t to my taste.

We didn’t have a huge budget but I wanted to give the room a quick refresh and make it more us really. At the same time, I was also invited to work with Sofology which was really exciting and gave me the perfect opportunity to give the room a makeover.

What the Room Looked Like Before

Dreaded red pillar

So this is a quick look at what the room looked like before and our previous sofa suite too.

Current sofa and Caroline Walker painting

Our eventual aim is to rip out the entire pillar in the middle of the room as it is constructed of MDF and takes up loads of unnecessary space. I would love to strip it back, change the tiles and put in a stripped oak mantle piece, but we don’t have the budget it to do that at present.

Current sofa and armchairs

So I set myself the task of small tweaks to the room that would make a quick but significant difference.

The uplighter!

The plans was that these changes, combined with a gorgeous new suite from Sofology will hopefully really improve the look and feel of the room.

The Makeover

Our New Sofas & Front Room Mini Makeover with Sofology - room 2

The first thing we decided to do was do something about the red pillar, which I had nicknamed the red pillar of doom! We didn’t need the TV, it was left behind my the previous owners so we took it out and donated it to a friend who needed one. Then we repainted the entire structure, it took about 3 coats as the red was quite dark but the different was quite apparent straight away.

We weren’t sure at first what to do with the hole in the wall. We had debated filling it with shelves and then adding decorative accessories to the shelves. But instead I found this fabulous mirror, which I will eventually hang over the mantle when I  eventually rip the pillar out and have a proper mantle piece installed. Then I accessorised the shelf with a vase that was gifted for our wedding and this cute clock I reviewed last year and have been looking for the right place to put it.

Our New Sofas & Front Room Mini Makeover with Sofology - book clock close up

After that all it took was quite simple changes to update the room. Taking down the downlighter made such a difference as it made the room so dingy. I had this light fitting from our bedroom in our old house, which I think works really well with the colours. Then to swap the curtains, again these were from our old house and relatively new and fit in perfectly with the colour scheme. They are also lighter which I think adds to brightening up the room itself.

The Sofas

Our New Sofas & Front Room Mini Makeover with Sofology - purple 4 seater sofa

I had such a hard time choosing which sofa to have in our front rooms. Sofology really do have some gorgeous ones. In the end as pink and purple are some of my husband and I’s favourite colours I decided to go with their Liberte range.

Our New Sofas & Front Room Mini Makeover with Sofology - pink sofa

After I had decided on the design, then came the decision as to what configuration I wanted on the sofas – I ended up making a spreadsheet of all of my difference choices in order to make up my mind! In the end we decided on a 4 seater sofa, 2 seater sofa and an armchair. I think the armchair is the perfect little reading nook, perfect for this bookworm and when baby number 3 is born I think it will be great for nursing too.

I absolutely love pink sofa, but after deliberation decided it would be too much for the room if the whole suite was in pink. So we decided on the just having the two seater sofa in pink as an accent and the rest of the suite in the rich dark purple. Which is a stunning colour. The sofas are so plump and comfy, we really noticed the different in comparison to the tired ones we used to have. I love all of the little details , like the vintage style legs, the multi-patterned cushions and the deep back and arms.

Our New Sofas & Front Room Mini Makeover with Sofology - pink sofa close up

I am now wondering if a rug underneath the coffee table will really finish off the room, I love the one featured on the Sofology’s website actually and I think it might pull of the colours together – what do you think?

But overall I am so pleased with the new look in our front room, I think it has made such a difference, the colours, the warmth and the overall feel has made it feel much more like home to us. I now don’t enter the room cringing, I enter it thinking I love my sofas and this is a room I’m proud of.

12 thoughts on “Our New Sofas & Front Room Mini Makeover with Sofology”

  1. The change in the room is amazing. I love how all the different shades go together too. I love that you got different colours for your sofa yet they all seem to match perfectly x

  2. Wow what a difference! I adore those sofas, we are looking to replace ours at the moment and I’m unsure of which style to go for. I fancy something a little different like this though, I think they make a real statement!

  3. That purple velvet is absolutely beautiful! We have velvet sofas too, and I love how luxurious they feel. The colour is fabulous too – it makes them the focal point of the whole room and brings everything together. You must be really pleased!

  4. We are hoping to move this year although the thought of it scares me! I love the new sofas, the fact they have so many options to choose from is brilliant. There’s nothing worse than falling in love with a range and then realising it won’t fit. We had a stud wall in our current house too. When I was pregnant with Monkey we stripped it back and put a fireplace in! Taking nesting to the extreme! But it’s amaxing how much more since it created x

  5. I love your new sofas, your whole living room looks so different with just a few small changes. It is so much more homely now. We moved just over a year ago and I know how you feel about not liking your lounge, we are slowly decorating our house but it is taking ages as the living room is one of the last rooms we are doing and I too really want new sofas as I hate the ones we have now xx


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