Lovely Things
Wow where has September gone? Thanks to everyone who keeps linking up each month, this is one of my favourite things to reflect on the happy moments of the last month and read other people’s lovely moments too.
Big Job News
I guess the big news for our family that has caused a few sleepless nights this month is that my husband has a new job! It was such a hard decision for him to make as he has worked for the company he is currently with for 11 years and has made some very lovely friends. But this is a great opportunity for him and it is time for a new adventure. It does mean he will be travelling to the States quite regularly which is going to take my son in particular a little while to get used to – thanks heavens for Facetime, Skype and the wonders of modern technology!
Shiny New Toy
Talking of new technology, I am now in possession of an awesome new laptop. I have been using our old desktop computer to do the majority of my blogging for a while now. But it is quite old and has been struggling particularly with the image processing I have been doing and sometimes just freezes. It’s done it’s job, but my husband very kindly suggested that perhaps it is time to get me a new laptop. It feels a bit like Christmas! I now have a very beautiful new Macbook, I have become such an apple convert of recent years after wondering what all the fuss was about and now I just love all of their stuff!
My First Blogging Conference
Cake and a cuddle bell
Saturday saw me going to my very first blogging conference – Blog on Win, at Winchester Science Centre. I got to meet some bloggers that have chatted on Twitter to for a long time – some of them years. The lovely AK from My Buggy Junction, very kindly offered me a list and it was nice to have a new friend to chat to for the journey. There was some great presentations – I particularly enjoyed Annie Spratt from Mammasauras‘s session on photography, it has made me think about the direction I am going to take my imagery in in the future. And also that it maybe time to invest in and learn about Photoshop. There was cake, amazing goodie bags and I have to give a special mention to the Scummy Mummies who did a hilarious session to conclusion the day. I definitely hope to go to more in the future.
Image courtesy of AK from My Buggy Junction
My edited flowers image from the photography session
Handbag Happiness
I had more handbag happiness this month, being sent this amazing Yoshi bag to review. I totally love it. You can read more about it here. But as you all know I adore handbags, so this made me a very happy lady.
That was my lovely things from September – what are yours?
The Rules
The first Monday of every month I will host the Linky, all you need to do to join is:
– Write about something lovely, be it a new purchase, a favourite item you’ve had forever but want to share, a great book, home decorating, maybe a lovely experience like a beauty treatment or coffee with a friend, new shoes, make-up, handbag, whatever it is as long as it’s lovely I want to know about it! 🙂
– This Linky is open to every type of blogger no matter what your chosen blogging subject.
– Grab the Lovely Things badge and pop it in your post
– Use the #lovelythings hashtag on Twitter and Instagram
– Share the love – try and read & comment on 3 other blogs listed on the Linky
– Tweet me (@laurasummers) with your Link up and & I will retweet it to my followers
– The linky will remain open for two weeks
Grab the Badge

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Wow! So many lovely things this month Laura. Congrats to your husband on his new job. Thank goodness for Facetime for sure! Congrats to you on your MacBook, I am so envious right now. I badly need a new laptop! It wouldn’t be a #LovelyThings without a lovely new handbag 😉 Thanks so much for hosting! x
Thank you Becky, I hope you manage to get a new laptop soon. I know what that’s like! And you always need a new handbag 🙂
Woohoo for your laptop. Apple is fantastic. In the long term future, I plan to get a Imac and create an office area, in a few years when I’m well. The bag is great and the I’m glad you got to go to a blogging conference. They are fun and a good opportunity to meet friends and PR people. Thanks for hosting #LovelyThings
Angela x
Thanks Angela I do absolutely love the bag and my lovely new laptop 🙂 hopefully we can meet at a conference one day soon x
Wow! September seemed like a fab month for you. Well done to your husband’s new job, I am thankful with the technology myself as I can communicate anytime with my family back home in the Philippines without having to spend a fortune. Lovely bag too! #lovelythings
Thanks Cheryl the job was a big decision but it feels right now it has been made. And technology is fab for communication is it not? 🙂
I am so jealous of your new laptop!!! I am hoping that Santa brings me one this year because I too do most of my blogging sitting at a desk and sometimes I would just like to be able to sit in the recliner! First world problems…I really hate complaining of them sometimes. Love the handbag too!!! What an awesome look for one. Thank you for hostessing #lovelythings 😉
Ahh I hope Santa is good to you Trista! Thank you for linking up 🙂
Congrats on the hubby’s new job!My dream is to have a Macbook one day,I love my Iphone/Ipad.I’d love to go to a blogging event one day when I’m feeling braver lol x #lovelythings
Blogging via an ipad / iphone must be a bit tricky as I don’t always find them the easiest. And thank you so much for the congratulations 🙂
Hi Laura, thanks for hosting another month of lovely things, one of my fave linkes! Sounds a bit scary re the new job but sounds like it was time for a new challenge! Well done Ben! You already know I’m v jealous of that bag… And the laptop?! I’m a huge Apple fan, it’d be lovely to have a laptop that synced with the phone pics etc. let us know how you get on with it! Our laptop just miraculously came back to life…probably because it’s suddenly getting used again courtesy of the blog! X
Thank you for your lovely comment on my linky 🙂 I shall aim to do a macbook review is you like although I haven’t worked out how to sync the pictures yet ha ha! Glad yours is working again 🙂 and yes the job was a big decision but I think sometimes you need to take a leap of faith 🙂
Wow you hubby’s new job sounds exciting! Good luck to him! How lovely going to your first blog event, I haven’t done one yet but must do soon! Very jealous of your new shiny laptop. I’ve been blogging from my iPad fir a year and I long for laptop! Maybe soon….! X
Thank you, you should do a blog event it’s great to network and meet some of the bloggers that you talk to. Blogging is not always easy from an ipad is it?
Wow so many lovely thinks!! Congratulations on your husband’s new job. sounds exciting although you will miss him a lot when he is away. I have also a Macbook and it is the best Xmass present I have ever had!! Love it! Blogging events are the best way to meet other bloggers. I went to my first one last month (FunFest) and it was a great experience. My next one will be next thursday (Blogcamp). I’m really looking forward to this event but at the same time I feel a little bit nervous! As I mentioned before that bag was just made for you! 😉 The photo with the flowers look fab!! Sorry to linked up so late this month but I literally just finished with my post. Thanks for hosting, ;-)x
No problem Franca thanks for linking up 🙂 I think I am going to research into going to some more blogging events in the future – maybe we will meet up at one too x
Wow loads going on 🙂 congratulations on the new job. I am sure once he settles into it the states thing will become second nature. My hubby use to travel to China quite a bit and we used Skype quite a lot, the tricky thing was the time difference but Monkey got use to it. Plus there was always a treat when he came home! I hope your new toy is making life easier for you. I would be lost without mine! Sorry we didn’t catch up at the conference but hopefully something will be arranged in Sussex soon. Thank you for hosting #Lovely things xx
Hopefully we will catch up at another conference 🙂 I think as you say once my son gets used to Skype and his Daddy travelling things will get easier – the time difference will be tricky for us too but hopefully it will work out x
I love these roundups. It can be easy to get sucked into the day to day stuff in life and forget the things that make you happy. It sounds like a month of really lovely things – that bag was made for you! x
Thanks Donna, I adore the bag! And yes I really love doing these posts as it reminds me of the small and happy things.