Laura’s Diaries – 26th April 2022

I started writing a regular diary on here at the start of the pandemic in 2020. At the time they were called The Coronavirus Diaries and I wanted to record our life during an unprecedented time. Now the pandemic is slowing down (we hope), I find there are still things I want to talk about regularly that are going on in our life and the world. So in March 2022, I rebranded this Laura’s Diaries, this is about my family life, my views about what is going on in the world and the political landscape.

It’s been well over a month since I last wrote a diary on here, nearly two actually. It’s been a busy one, isn’t it always? A lot of March felt like a countdown to my spinal injections. My pain levels were so high every day was a challenge having to balance what I wanted to do and what my body was capable of doing. My children had 4 classes left of their gym classes and I felt so guilty but as they were a half-hour drive each way, I just couldn’t manage it and they sadly missed them all. A friend also very kindly took them to their swimming lessons each week as I found the walk from parking such a challenge.


This is what March felt like for me, a lot of pain, a lot of struggling and a lot of guilt that I couldn’t be there more for my children. My children have blown me away with how understanding they have been. Helping with cooking, making their own packed lunch boxes, even being understanding when I have said I am sorry we cannot do something.

In school, the children had World Book Day and a sports challenge for charity. Although Logan took his costume off almost as soon as he got to school, but he’s never liked dressing up so that didn’t surprise me. Aria had her very first concert at school since the pandemic. Sadly, I was not able to go as I was in isolation for my back procedure, but my husband took a video for me and she was fantastic. Proud Mummy moment.

On the 30th of March, I had my spinal injections and I wasn’t sure what to expect really. I was told there was a 75% success rate, but the level of success varied from person to person. Some people only getting improvement for a week or a day and others for months and even years. People have been so supportive and I am really grateful for my friends and family. The injections unfortunately weren’t the miracle cure I was hoping for. They have helped with my pain and there is definitely some improvement. I can sit and walk a little more comfortably. But I still cannot sit for extended periods of time and I am still walking with a stick and taking regular strong painkillers. I’m waiting for a follow-up with the consultant now, I’m not entirely sure what the future holds but I suspect it will be surgery.

It’s hard as I feel a little bit like life is rushing past me. I am stuck at home, stuck being able to do so little and it’s frustrating and painful, both emotionally and physically. But I have to remind myself to be grateful to remember the doctor has told me that the long term prognosis is very good, even if it feels like it’s taking forever to get fixed, there are people in a lot worse conditions than I am. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks, I will know more about what’s going on, and the next steps of the plan and I have to remember to be patient.

The Pandemic and Being Poorly (Again)

The pandemic continues to rage on, even if the government seems to think it’s over now. It’s so weird with no testing and isolation, that anyone could have it, and the stark fact of the matter is there will be many forced to go to work with covid now the government has removed all financial support. It feels like so many people have covid at the moment and we will never truly know what the infection rate is. I guess as long as the death rate remains low this is ok, but it’s not really reported now, despite us still really not knowing the true implications of long covid.

Covid aside, I also honestly cannot get over how poorly my children have been either and the impact lockdown has seemed to have had on their immune system. The day I came from the hospital, Bo threw up and the next morning Aria had a temperature. They were both poorly with an awful cold that gave them both fevers and an awful cough, Aria ended up needing steroids for her asthma. The rest of us all went down with it and my husband has ended up on antibiotics for his ear. Coughing was not fun at all with a bad back, but luckily I seemed to get it more mildly than everyone else.

New Floor and New Hair

Easter coincided with perhaps the biggest part of our home renovation project with our hall, lounge, dining room and office floor and a new oak floor being laid. I took the children and dog to stay with my parents while this happened. It was a bit crazy having all just gotten over being sick, but it was worth it and the floor looks stunning. We did Easter crafts, walks and went to feed the ducks while we were at my parents and the kids loved having a McDonalds the day they came home as we don’t have them very often. It also has meant that after living in a building site for months we are now able to start putting our house back together again. Which is really nice as I had gotten quite fed up with the mess absolutely everywhere. My in-laws came to help us Easter weekend and helped my husband with big jobs like fitting lights and hanging curtains etc. We still have lots of boxes to sort out, but once again my back is limiting how much of that I can do at a time, again trying to learn some patience!

Last week I did have a couple of nice treats going to an Adele tribute concert on Thursday night, I didn’t know what to expect but it was brilliant fun. Then on Friday I had a haircut and felt brave with the colour and went even pinker!!

That’s a quick summary of the last two months for now. May and June are big birthday months in our family so lots to look forward to as well as hopefully finding out the next steps on my back and working towards a resolution and recovery.

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