For Bodhi’s first year I wrote monthly updates as to how he was growing and changing. After he turned one I decided to change this to three monthly instead. So here he is at 15 months and it’s really interesting to read back his 12 month post and see how much he’s changed. So what is he up to now?
Most important question that everyone keeps asking me, is he walking yet? In a word… no. He’s standing, he’s standing and clapping, he’s done about 3 steps on his own and will walk a few steps holding my hands and he cruises along the furniture all of the time. But, he crawls so, so fast that he doesn’t seem that interested in walking, because he can get there crawling so much faster. So I don’t think he has the impetus at the moment to make that change. But he is really close and if he put his mind to it, he would be able to do it.
He’s grown a lot of teeth in the last 3 months, he now has 4 molars, plus his 8 front teeth, so 12 in total (that’s double). To top it off, he absolutely hates having his tooth brushed and I sometimes have to wrap him in a towel to do it so that he doesn’t grab the toothbrush and stop me from doing it.
We’re still breastfeeding, just morning and evening and even though I am pretty sure we’ll probably stop that soon, I’m not sure when so at the moment we’re both just taking it as it comes. Bo is still sleeping in our bedroom, but we have decided we’re going to move him into his own room in the next couple of weeks. It just feels like it’s time. I just need to clear out the junk that has accumulated in there first!
In the summer he finished baby sensory, which I felt quite sad about. And now that Bo’s older brother and sisters are back to school this week, I am going to look for another class for us to do instead.
Food wise, he has a huge appetite and can sometimes eat so much it surprises me and he is very good at ‘hangry’! He has been introduced to chips recently and would eat them by the truckload if I would let him. He also loves fruit of all kinds I haven’t found one he doesn’t like yet, mini sausages, pasta, paella and rice dishes as well as cake. Naturally…
He’s dropped his morning nap now *sob* and just has one big nap at lunchtime. Bed time is around 7pm. He still has his dream feed bottle which I am planning to try and drop when he settles into his own room. The problem at the moment is that we wake him up when we go to bed, which is why we have still kept the bottle going.
He’s a real climber and is into absolutely everything! When he’s got a will to do something he shouldn’t he will go back again and again and again. From climbing up onto things, trying to play with the washing machine or oven, crawling as fast as he can to get to the car park on the beach and trying to scale the rocks. If he wants to do something, it’s quite hard work to get him to stop. On holiday on a couple of occasions I put him in the high chair with a couple of toys in order to give myself a break.
Bodhi’s words have really come along and he chitters away as is he’s having a conversation with you, although it doesn’t sound like actual words when he does that at the moment. Words he can say are: don’t do that, Daddy, no, Aria, Logan, Mama, don’t touch, hi-ya, hello, he also tries to sing Baby shark and Ruby (Kaiser Chiefs) which his brother practised for a concert.
He still loves the bath, tries to open all the drawers and steal clothes off the clothes horse and getting to the stairs and up them as quick as possible if you forget to close the baby-gate. He loved the beach so much on holiday, even if it made his nappies somewhat sandy, he thought it was so much fun, although if he didn’t think the same about the sea.
He’s a happy, smiley boy who love music and trying to dance. I wonder how much he’ll change in the next 3 months, although I’m pretty sure by then he will be walking!
He is such a cutie and I can’t believe he’s 15 months already! It definitely doesn’t feel that long ago that I saw he’d been born!
Stevie x