Daisy London Little Star Bracelet & 100 Years of Watch Fashion with Browns Family Jewellers

Daisy London Little Star Bracelet Review - bracelet on leaves

Daisy London Little Star Bracelet & 100 Years of Watch Fashion with Browns Family Jewellers

As a firm lover of lovely things, I love nothing more than pretty jewellery. Jewellery can complete any outfit and also always makes a gorgeous gift. Today I am reviewing a really pretty piece sent to me by Browns Family Jewellers who are a leading high street jeweller in York who sell both new collections and beautiful pre-owned vintage pieces too.

Daisy London Little Star Bracelet Review

Browns Jewellers have sent me a bracelet from the Daisy London collection, which is a brand known for its Chakra bracelet and uses designs inspired by travel and far away shores. I have been sent the Star bracelet which has been designed to be a good Karma bracelet. It is meant to help improve your karma and help you to achieve your goals.

 Daisy London Little Star Bracelet Review - packaging

The bracelet arrived in lovely packaging, with a white gift bag with a big black ribbon bow on the top. Inside the bag was a gift box with the bracelet inside.

Daisy London Little Star Bracelet Review - bracelet in box

The bracelet itself is made from sterling silver, has a star charm as the focal point along with 3 mini charms either side. One of the things I did like was that the bracelet had three rings on the back that means you can adjust it to three different sizes depending on the size of your wrist.

Daisy London Little Star Bracelet Review - bracelet on its own

The bracelet itself is actually quite delicate and looks great on its own, or like I have here stacked up with a watch or some other bracelets.

 Daisy London Little Star Bracelet Review.

I am a sucker for things that have meaning behind them, so I really liked the ethos and message behind the Daisy brand jewellery. Will this bracelet help my achieve my goals? Probably not, but I like the idea that it might do. And I think the meaning behind it also makes it a nice gift to give someone too if you are perhaps already on the hunt for, dare I say it, Christmas ideas.

 Daisy London Little Star Bracelet Review - down outside view

Daisy London Silver Little Star Bracelet RRP £49

100 Years of Watch Fashion

Browns have also sent me this fun infographic, which shows the evolution of the watch over 100 years. From the very first watches worn in 1893 to the creation of the Apple watch, my current watch in 2015. Have you ever owned any of these timepieces?

100 Years Watches Infographic

*Disclosure: I was sent the above bracelet for the purpose of this review, however, all opinions are my own. 

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