Luxury Features to Make your Kitchen Space Shine

*Collaborative post

Most of us will use the kitchen more than just about any other room in the house. So, why are so many kitchens still lifeless, dull, and lacking in those luxurious qualities that make people feel right at home? Below are some tips and insights into how to add a few luxury touches to your kitchen.

Add some clever touches to taps and handles

Adding luxury to a kitchen space doesn’t always have to mean gutting out the entire area. Sometimes, a few alterations in style can instantly make your kitchen look more cosmopolitan and upscale. For instance, changing your cabinet and drawer handles to something a little classier, or reinvigorating your kitchen sink with some gorgeous mixer taps will do the same thing in half the time and effort. 

Display one focal piece of good art

People will spend ages making their living rooms and bedrooms feel like part of their own tastes and personalities, yet completely fail to do so when it comes to their kitchens. If you continue to treat a kitchen like a drab place where chores are done, then it will always feel like a lifeless part of your home. 

Try to add some artistic flourish and joy to your kitchen by displaying one focal piece of art on a wall (preferably away from messy prep areas). Think of a piece that exudes warmth and love and the joy of food and drink to add some personality to the space. 

Pay attention to the lighting 

Looking into luxury lighting options can pay off in more ways than one, and for a long time too! The instant impact that lighting provides for a kitchen is an effective way of setting the mood for being in there. Some choose one large-scale focal light, while others consider lantern pendants or other variations of luxury lighting. Either way, this is a simple but powerful way of upgrading your kitchen. 

Mix things up a bit

Sometimes you need to learn the rules in order to break a few of them. And when it comes to your kitchen, it’s essential to stick to the fundamentals while giving yourself the freedom to mix things up a bit. If you want to mix matte black surfaces with some brass fixtures then do it! It’s your choice at the end of the day, but don’t lose sight of what matters most – accentuating that style choice clearly. 

Keep it clean

If you’re not keeping your kitchen as clean as possible, all that effort and time is for nothing. Dirty plates and pots and stained surfaces immediately undo any first impressions that a kitchen may give someone from a distance. A loved kitchen that’s used daily will of course collect dirt and grime. But put in a little TLC to keep the space looking sparkling and VIP-ready. 

Update those everyday essentials 

Small changes like a new washing liquid dispenser or some fresh utensils can make that final touch and elevate the kitchen. Even the way you choose to store these basic essentials can add a new dimension to a dull kitchen!

With these changes and alterations, you’ll soon find the kitchen a more luxurious and inviting place, making your entire home feel more sophisticated, warm, and exciting at the same time. 

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