How To Look After Your Household Plants This Autumn 

*Collaborative post

Now that autumn is here, it makes sense to invest time in taking care of your household plants, as they’re affected by several factors, including fluctuating temperatures, dry air, and reduced sunlight hours. Whether they’re placed indoors or outdoors, plants have an innate ability to sense the changing of the seasons. They need some special care to stay healthy and stick around until the sunny days of spring return. Don’t panic, even if you notice that some of your plants are turning their leaves into various shades of yellow or dropping to the ground. A few changes are needed in your plant care routine. If you want to revitalise your houseplants, please continue reading. 

Set A Few Hours to Tidy Up Your Plants 

Trimming or plucking away yellow or dead leaves is beneficial to the plant because it encourages or stimulates new growth. Identify the leaf (or leaves) that needs to go and, with the help of a sharp pair of scissors, cut the leaf close to the stem. You can add the leaf to a compost bin if you have one. If you have healthy household plants, prune back half of the longest branches on the plants to encourage them to grow full and bushy. More aggressive pruning may be necessary if your plants are getting too big. 

Most professionals know that it’s important to disinfect scissors between plants to prevent the spread of disease. After each use, the scissors should be cleaned. Rinsing or washing the scissors won’t prevent the spread of plant diseases, so it’s best to use a disinfectant that kills off pathogens. If you cut too many leaves, the plant will die due to starvation. More exactly, it won’t be able to capture the sun’s energy, which drives photosynthesis. If you remove more than 1/3rd of the healthy plant material, the plant won’t be able to make sufficient energy to make up for what was lost. 

Resist The Urge to Up-Pot or Re-Pot Now

Tempting as it might be to up-pot or re-pot your plants because it is autumn and the daylight hours are waning, you’d better resist the urge. It’s not good for your plants. Spring is the ideal time to change the planters for the houseplants that need room to spread their roots and grow. If you decide to get new containers, there are fantastic choices, so you’ll find something to suit your taste. Bigger isn’t necessarily better. Replace the poor soil with a new potting mix that offers your plants the proper nutrients. Transplanting disturbs the plant, and the process can damage its fine root hairs.

Most plants want to be up-potted or re-potted as they enter the growing season in spring, but there are some exceptions. If you see roots creeping out of the drain holes at the bottom of the container or your plant has stopped growing (or is growing more slowly than usual), it needs a new, bigger home. Picking a new vessel is of the essence. Find a planter that is the right dimensions, based on the plant type, taking into account that plants grow 1-2 inches in diameter. Help reduce plastic waste in your efforts by using elho planters, which are made from recycled material.

Slow Down on Watering

Your household plants need less water as the air and soil temperatures fall. You should continue to check the moisture of the soil by dipping your index finger into the soil near the stem of the plant before watering. As you’ll see, it won’t be necessary to water too often. Instead of stopping watering altogether, it would be best to water the plants every other week throughout autumn. Overwatering can be dangerous. A plant’s roots need a balance of water and oxygen to thrive, and overwatering drowns it. Soil that’s always wet doesn’t have enough air pockets, meaning that the plant isn’t able to breathe.  

Move Your Plants into Direct Sunlight

Autumn is a demanding time for plants, particularly in the UK, due to the fluctuating temperatures. The dry summer is followed by an autumn with dry, sunny days and cold nights. As the Earth is drifting away from the Sun, less sunlight comes through the windows. Light is food for plants, so if they don’t get enough of it, they’ll no longer thrive. To make sure your plants are soaking up enough sun, move them to the sunniest spot in your home. Place them in a room that is well-lit, where the sunlight is diffused by a sheer curtain. 

If you don’t have enough floor space to get your houseplants into proper lighting, elevate them with hanging planters. Suspending smaller plants will add beauty to your home and free up space for other décor choices you’ve envisioned. Equally, you can purchase grow light, which is available in a wide array of colour spectrum and light intensity options. Your plants will get enough light even in rooms without access to natural sunlight. The lights should be close to the plants – six inches is a good rule. If you have a plant that is day-length sensitive, use a timer. 

Stop Fertilising in Mid to End October 

You’ll want to cut back on fertiliser. It’s unnecessary, and it can actually be harmful in the long term. Some plants might perish over the winter. It’s recommended to apply fertiliser in late autumn to give your plants a boost before winter. The fertiliser should be applied towards the end of October or early November. Research plant requirements to learn about their specific nutritional needs. With liquid fertiliser, you can control the supply of nutrients. It’s advisable to suspend feeding when the plants are dormant. The fertiliser is most effective in the spring when the plants are at the peak of their growing cycle. 

To sum up, your household plants will need constant attention to stay healthy. Waste no time and effort in helping your plants make the autumn transition.  

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