Take Your Blog To The Next Level

*This is a collaborative post

If you have been blogging for a while and have some success with advertising, link placements, and even more PR goodies than you can shake a stick at, you could still be doing more – if you want to, that is. 

So let’s take a look at how you can change your mindset and create a plan for the future of your blog. 


Perhaps you have been happily sharing your daily life for years, but you seem to have a low subscriber count. It’s time to take a sharp look at what you are doing to increase the number of people on your email list. 

If all of the other social media went away tomorrow, what you’d have left that is just yours is your email list. 

  • Add some calls to action.
  • Create a free ‘something’ for people to sign up for.
  • Give exclusive content to subscribers.

Give people a ‘why’. 


When most people start blogging, they aren’t considering google ranks or traffic – not really. But over time, watching the reader count tick up is exciting. Your new posts are probably slick, error-free, well linked with stunning images – but what about the older ones? 

Your old posts present a new opportunity; go back through them and optimise them for the reader. 

Clean up broken links, add new images, and edit. 


Just like any good business, the best blogs have some branding. Investing in graphic design, great fonts, and maybe even a new theme can help you stand out against all of the other bloggers. But more than that, it can show your personality and keep you on track for turning your blog into a business. 


You have years of content on your blog – what are you doing with it? Single articles can be broken down into multiple short-form contents for social; you can look to create backlinks and expand on the points contained within the posts. 

Do you have a lot of recipes? Why not create an eBook? Perhaps you have plenty of household tips and tricks? Turn the information into short videos. 

Make sure your older content doesn’t just lay there. Do something with it. 

While there are some Common Pitfalls of being a Blogger – Laura’s Lovely Blog ♥ – it can be an incredible and profitable experience. So many the most of it, and get in the mindset for setting and achieving your blogging goals.  

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