Has Working From Home Given you Dry Eyes? | AD

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The way in which we all work has changed considerably over the past year. Many of us have changed to working from home and have spent a lot more time looking at screens than we ever have before. With zoom calls being the new night out. But have you ever considered the impact this may have on your eyes? Everybody needs to blink every 3 to 4 seconds for healthy eyes and clear vision, but looking at a computer or mobile phone reduces this rate to about once every 20 seconds.

Another thing that is impacting people’s eyes are face masks. While it’s really important to wear face masks right now, they can actually cause you to have dry eyes. What happens is sometimes when we breathe out wearing masks the breath goes upwards and over the top of your masks, going into the eyes and making them dry out.

What is Dry Eye?

Firstly, it’s important that I state that I am not a doctor, a great source of information about dry eyes is of course the NHS website, you can also use this symptom checker. And of course, if you are concerned about your eyes, you should consult your doctor.

Dry Eye is a condition when the surface of the eye become inflamed and sore. 1 in 5 adults suffer from Dry Eye symptoms everyday. The common symptoms are:

  • Gritty, sore eyes
  • Tried eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Irritated eyes
  • Feeling like there is something in your eyes
  • Eyes that easily aggravated by smoke, wind and air conditioning
  • Eyes that are uncomfortable when wearing contact lenses
  • Blurry vision that comes and goes when you blink
  • Eyes that look slightly red most of the time
  • Being aware of your eyes most of the day

Does any of this sound familiar?

Théa Eye Health

If all of this is sounding familiar, then you may be wondering if there is a solution. I have been asked by Théa Eye Health to try out some of their eye products to see if it helps my eyes.

I work at a computer, often suffer from sleep deprivation (downside of small children!), and I am rubbish at drinking my water, which can all be contributing factors to dry eyes.

Théa’s products are all natural and synthetic free (synthetics have been links to adverse reactions so are not great in eye products). In fact, they’re so nice and natural they can be used by babies as young as 3 months old.

Théa Eye Health Review

I was sent a selection of products to try and see if they will help my eyes. The items I was sent were:

So let’s talk about what each of them do and how I got on with them.


These are disposable wipes that can be used to clean your eyes. They are very gentle and as I mentioned above can be used on babies and are suitable for contact lens wearers.

The wipes can also be used pre and post-surgery and for medical conditions such as blepharitis and styes. But I don’t have any of those so cannot comment. The sachets are handy and can be kept in your bag. I’m not a huge fan of disposable items, but can see why wipes like these would need to be sterile and sealed when treating some of the medical conditions listed above and with something as sensitive as your eyes.

I used this to wipe my eyes when they were feeling a bit sore or dry. I suffer from hayfever and actually found them really soothing when they felt dry and itchy. They felt calmer after use.

Thealoz Duo

These are eye drops safe to use for all dry eye sufferers. They offer relief from the symptoms but also help protect the surface of the eye. Can treat mild to severe symptoms of Dry Eye.

Now, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I tried these eye drops, even though I spend a lot of time on my computer and as I mentioned above suffer from sleep deprivation and hayfever. I started using these eye drops morning and night to see what affect they had.

Immediately as soon as I put them in I felt a difference. They were soothing and refreshing on my eyes. It was a really nice, cool feeling. I was actually taken a back at how much more comfortable they made my eyes feel. I didn’t think I had dry eyes, but clearly I do!

Theoloz Duo Gel

Similar to the Theoloz Duo above these eye drops are suitable for all dry eye sufferers. But the gel form is for people with a more severe case of Dry Eye or to use at night. It has an added Carbomer Gel which gives the drops more staying power basically.

Rather than a bottle, these eyes drops come in disposable pipettes which should be thrown away after one use. As you would expect, the gel was a thicker consistency, but as with the drops they went in easily and were soothing on my eyes.

In Summary

I was really pleasantly surprised at how much more comfortable the eye drops made my eyes feel. Before I started working with Théa Eye Health I didn’t really know that Dry Eye was a thing, and when I found out about it, I wasn’t sure it was something that would really affect me. But all of the products I tried were soothing and refreshing on my eyes and made them feel more comfortable.

Has Working From Home Given You Dry Eyes? Masks and lots of screen time dries out your eyes. You may not even realise your eyes are dry. But if they feel itchy, tired and sore eyes there's a good chance you do. I've been trying out some products from Théa Eye Health to see if they help.

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