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You may not realise the difference but if you have a singular web presence with no interaction and mainly text dialogue, you don’t necessarily have a website but a webpage.
It’s a common misconception and easy to misguide people when discussing your web presence to someone, but a web page is a cheap alternative to having a working interactive website.
It’s perfect if you are a fresh start up company with little funds to spend on developing your brand in the short term, but if you still only have a web page and trading successfully it really is time you embraced the online revolution and give your business the identity it deserves.
Common Problems
Web pages have a usual form of an overabundance of text filling out the screen which more often than not is a deterrent for clients. No one wants to read huge chunks of text and most don’t make it past the first few lines.
Stock photos slotted in between the text fools no one also. It’s so commonplace now that nobody believes those happy smiley model employees are you and your team.
Having a website built for you gives you the opportunity to do some much needed spacing and to be able to provide custom pictures of your business. People relate to people, so don’t be afraid of putting you and your staff online to give potential customers a better understanding of who they are dealing with.

Interaction is Key
People love to play with websites and click across multiple screens. No one wants to have to search through huge text to find what they want.
Upgrading to a full website gives you change to space your information over various pages so that the client can easily identify what aspect of your services they are requiring. This prevents you losing business when someone gets tired of scrolling through all of your services on one page.
This also provides you with the opportunity to easily communicate with your client needs as well as eliminate any superfluous text that adds nothing to the overall business, as well as any repeating dialogue.
Utilising Various Platforms
You can also access new clients from a variety of online sources now more than ever, so promoting a new website as a link on social media platforms affords you the opportunity to grow your business like never before.
By linking your website to social powerhouses like Facebook and Linkedin by way of a business page brings larger amounts of traffic required to grow the business. However, if you have a web page instead of a functional website, you may seem a small time operation who is just getting by which can turn customers away or even worse, make them think you’ll work for the lowest rates.
There are many advantages to upgrading to a fully functioning website and you don’t have to be the person to employ all of them. You can utilise a digital agency web developer to not only build and run your website, but also handle all aspects of online posting. Stockport website design companies have upgraded many firms to be extremely profitable through analytics and optimization of their web presence to bring in the desired customers.
If you are still operating a singular webpage to describe your business you are probably underselling your business and capabilities. By upgrading to responsive website design you are transporting your business to the level you need to be at to trade successfully.