I have decided to write a weekly diary of our time through the Coronavirus pandemic. To keep for the future. It’s such an unprecedented time and full of so many mixed feelings and events we have never encountered before it is hard to process it all.

I left you on a little bit of a cliffhanger last week didn’t I? don’t worry the test results were negative and I don’t have Covid 19. Which is of course a relief.
I also haven’t written on the blog for a week now. After being ill and ending up in hospital, I decided that my body really needed to rest. It turns out that was just what my body needed as I am feeling so much better now and much more like my normal self.
7th July
I took Tuesday off from home schooling and the children and I watched films for most of the day. A lovely neighbour also dropped around a home made cake after hearing I ended up in hospital which was really kind too.
I drove for a drive-in Covid test to check if the home test I did last week wasn’t a false negative. So until I get the results as a family we’re back in self isolation. The weather is rubbish and the children are finding it really hard being back inside all the time.
8th July
While I was still feeling unwell, I had guilt about not doing school work yesterday, so home school resumed. A lot of my teaching was done from the sofa. My Covid test came back negative so we no longer need to self isolate, which is great. It looks like I just had a nasty chest infection but being in hospital really did bring everything home to me . How serious this pandemic is and while restrictions are being lifted, the virus is still very much out there. I couldn’t make my Wednesday evening drinks with friends, I just didn’t feel up to it.
10th July
New lockdown easing measures have been announced today. They were a bit of a surprise really, I didn’t expect them to be announced yet. But beauty (with restricted treatments) and tattoo salons can open next week. As well as outdoor pools. From 25th July all gyms and swimming pools. It’s nice to see the world resuming and I really hope that it can continue.
There seems to be a huge rise in conspiracy theories at the moment. I have since read up a bit on history and apparently it’s a bit of a thing in pandemics, a coping mechanism, if you will, for people to look for other answers or to not believe things are as bad as they actually are.
Current conspiracy theories are based around the pandemic isn’t real. The government has made it up to control people, the government now have rights to take away key worker’s children, it’s a vaccination conspiracy to force everyone to vaccinate. Anyone that wears masks is a sheep, the need to wear a mask is fake, there is actually quite a strong anti-mask movement which I really do not understand. It’s actually really hard to read, people who feel this way are very passionate. They have made up website and stats that are not really backed in science from what I can see. Especially when all evidence from verified scientists points to otherwise. I can see it’s a way for people to cope when they cannot control or make sense of the world that is going on around them. But the movement is really dangerous, all we need to do is look at the past to the Spanish Flu pandemic to see that things can get worse if we’re not careful.
I have also been chatting to a Mum from school and there whole family have had Covid and been so ill and have side affects from the virus going on for months. It’s sounds absolutely devastating.
11th July
Feeling a lot better today. Started doing some things around the house to get it looking straighter. Boring things like cleaning the bathrooms. I also did some gardening. Quite exciting how all of my plants are growing now, which is something I am really glad to have learned during lockdown.
12th July
Had my parents over again today. This time they allowed in the house although still social distancing. We had a roast but as the weather was nice we had it in the garden anyway. The children find social distancing so hard, they just want to hug their grandparents and I really get it. It feels alien not to hug them and you just have to remind yourself that you’re doing for everyone’s own good even if it doesn’t feel right.
We’ve put some dates in to meet up over the summer holidays. Hoping to get places where it is safe to socially distance. The zoo and an open air museum.
13th July
Post lockdown haircut today, I have been desperate for one as I was due when lockdown happened. My hairdresser is a mobile hairdresser so we decided to do the haircut in the garden as it’s safer. I opted for just a cut and colour and blowdried myself. The children just had a cut and it feels really nice to have it done again.
Today also marks the last week of home schooling with the children hopefully returning in September. I have to admit I am feeling done and ready for it to be over. It’s exhausting trying to juggle everything. I think the summer holidays will have their own challenges, but hopefully we can do some more fun and less pressured activities. We also have a holiday booked which will give us a change of scenery other than our house!