When Logan was about 3 months old, a group of my NCT friends and I booked on to go to a baby class called Baby Sensory. To be honest, I didn’t know much about it, other than it sounded nice, my friends were doing it and I thought it would be a lovely thing to do on maternity leave.
It wasn’t long before it became one of my favourite baby classes, lots of fun and happy activities, a break out time to chat and make friends, as well as the now infamous (in our house) Say Hello to the Sun song. Logan would giggle and dance and love the classes so much and usually fall asleep shattered on the way home.

At 9 months old, I had to return to work with Logan and I was so sad to say goodbye to our class which ran on one of my then working days. Feeling all sorts of emotions I said goodbye to the class, but did manage to find a different one that ran on another day. It led me to making some new friends too. Happy times.
When Aria was born, it was the class I most wanted to sign her up for. I had to wait for Logan to start pre-school in the September and then we were off singing and signing away to our hearts content.

It was only natural of course, then when Bo arrived that I would want to carry on this tradition. 4 years has passed since I last stepped foot into a class, but with my car seat and 3 month old in tow, all of the songs inevitably came flooding back to me.
I think what is all the more special is that all of the classes have been run by Hannah at Ascot and Windsor Baby Sensory (with the exception of the Bracknell class I changed to after I returned to work with Logan). Which meant Hannah has seen all of my babies grow and blossom in her classes. If you’re local to me and looking for a call I would definitely recommend her.

Just before the summer holidays, Bo had his very last Baby Sensory class, he had loved it, but definitely outgrown it and it was time to move on. But as is often the case with milestones it left me with a feeling of sadness that this chapter of our lives was now over. The lovely Hannah and baby sensory has been me through the first year of all three of my babies and it will forever be part of some of the fondest memories of those times. The singing, the rhymes, the toys, the the flashing lights, bouncing items on a parachute. They were a time of happiness and bonding and friendship for my children and I.

Saying goodbye is symbolic too to say goodbye to those precious infant years now that our family is complete. The tiny baby years of such exhaustion, but such love too. As I know that with my own children at least I will not experience this again. So we say goodbye to this chapter and look onwards to the next one.

Next week, Bo and I are starting Jo Jingles, a class my older two children equally enjoyed and I know that he will too as we embrace the toddler years and all that they hold.