My Favourite Desk Item #MyDeskStory

*This blog post is in collaboration with Furniture At Work

My Favourite Desk Item #MyDeskStory

My Favourite Desk Item #MyDeskStory

As most of my blog followers will know I am a freelancer and work from home. I was challenged by Furniture @ Work who make office furniture to write about my working space at home and my favourite desk item.

It’s only been about two months since I’ve had my very own desk to work on. Before that I had an office that I shared with my husband, but whenever he worked from home I was relegated to the dining table or the sofa. He switched jobs at the beginning of October and when he did that, we decided to set up a desk for me in the dining room. This made more sense for me anyway, as I work around the children, in the dining room there is an alcove where their toys are set up, so it means I can do some work still look after them and see what they’re up to!

My Favourite Desk Item #MyDeskStory - my desk

I find having a desk to work at, rather than on the sofa for example makes me much more productive. It puts me in the mindset that I am here to work, not watch TV or muck about on the internet. Although you could argue that is my actual job!

My desk is an Ikea one and I bought the accompanying chair second hand on eBay. I’m still in the process of perfecting it I guess, but I already love it as my little work space, that is all mine. The rules are it remains toy free and my children are not supposed to touch the things on it. Which they follow for the most part, although they do have a bit of an obsession with trying to get my chair to spin and I do find pictures mysteriously appearing on it, but I don’t mind that.

My Favourite Desk Item - pen pot

One of my favourite things on the desk is my pen pot. It was painted for me by my son (with quite a bit of help from his Daddy) for Christmas 2016, when he was 5 years old. He has painted on it his favourite things at the time which was a cat and a digger. He used to have a crazy obsession with diggers! It’s not perfect, but in a way that makes it perfect if that makes sense? It sits pride of place where I can see it and it makes me smile everyday.

My Favourite Desk Item #MyDeskStory - Aria family drawing

I also have to give a special mention to this recent drawing from Aria – which is a picture of her whole family. The back of my desk has a magnetic board on it which is really useful for putting up inspiration ideas or postcards or creating a bit of a mood board when I’m working.

I’ve asked some more desk accessories for Christmas, as I work on making my desk a really great creative and personal space. So I would love some suggestions as to what you would add to make it better?

10 thoughts on “My Favourite Desk Item #MyDeskStory”

  1. The penpot is really cute. The whole desk space is so pretty and inviting to be at. I too used to work at the kitchen table, but now have a nice desk and it makes such a difference to my ethic and my back!

  2. I am in love with your desk! It’s so pretty and I love the magnetic back part, I bet that’s really useful. I work from home but my desk looks nothing like this! It’s covered In random stuff and as it’s in the living room It’s sort of become a place where everyone just dumps their stuff!xx

  3. I love your workspace! And the picture from Aria and your pen pot really cheer it up. I think some pretty lights would look awesome. 🙂 x


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