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What I’ve Read and Watched in July 2018
Welcome back to my monthly feature where I share what I have read and watched each month.
Another quiet month for me on the book front, just one book again. But having a new baby I’m only managing a couple of pages per night and quite frankly sleep is more important!
This month I have read Even Money by Alessandra Torre. Which I didn’t realised until I had finished it is part one of a two part series, which mean it finished on quite a cliffhanger (I hate that). The thing is I didn’t really love the book and was reading it until the end to find out what happens, but I’m not engaged enough to pick up book two, so I guess I’ll never know. The chemistry between the two main characters just didn’t work for me, they fell too quickly and so it made the rest of the story seem quite implausible.
Some new TV shows this month although I am still watching season 11 of Grey’s Anatomy and my husband and I are working our way through Modern Family when we need a bit of lighthearted TV.
The Handmaid’s Tale
I’ve wanted to watch The Handmaid’s Tale for ages, however, as we have been asked to review NowTV over the summer (post to come soon) this has given me a great chance to watch it. Wow, I knew it would be dark, I’ve read reviews, but just wow. I haven’t even finished the first series and it’s compelling and dystopian and so darkly sinister because you can see just how it could actually come true. I can actually take one episode a night because it’s just that dark and then I need a break for something lighter. But it really is a must-watch.
Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley is a show my husband convinced me to watch – again on NowTV. It gave us a lighter hearted show to watch in contrast to The Handmaiden’s Tale. Set in – yes you guessed it Silicon Valley it follows an engineer who has success with his technology an then strives to set up his business and make it a huge success. It’s light-hearted and even silly at times but having worked in marketing and IT it has appealed to my sense of humour.
Ready Player One
You can’t go wrong with a Steven Spielberg movie can you? And Ready Player One is no exception. Set in a virtual world where people escape to, a world that has become more important than their real lives when the game’s creator dies there is a race for people to win and earn his fortune. I loved the 80s esque nature of this film, how it was dystopian and yet feel good at times too. Overall a great Saturday night film.
That’s it for me, have you read or watched anything fab this month?
I hate it when a book doesn’t ‘end’! Especially if you didn’t know there were more to come. I had that with one I read last month, and like you, I wasn’t engaged enough to bother reading more. I love Modern Family and I need to watch The Handmaid’s Tale – I’ll get round to it at some point!