Baby Bath and Bed Routine with Summer Infant
I think a bath and bed routine is so important for any child. As Bo is our third child, it was something I wanted to establish really on to help him settle and wind down at the end of the day. To help us do just that we were sent some items to review from Summer Infant.
My Fun Tub
The first item was a My Fun Tub a 3 stage bath tub suitable for newborns, babies and toddlers. It also comes with a rather fun submarine water spray.
It’s taken us a little while to convince Bodhi that baths were a good thing, the first couple of baths he had involved lots of tears. But, suddenly he has decided they’re a good thing and loves to have a splash about in the water. As I mentioned above the fun tub has three stages, it comes with a sling you can clip over the top of it for newborns, then a sloped back where older babies can be more submerged into the water. Toddlers can also simply be sat in the bath. For Bo who is 8 weeks we tried the first two stages.
At nearly 13lbs, Bo is on the bigger size for an 8 week baby and while he was fine in the sling, he actually seemed happier when we took the sling out and simply laid him in the tub as it gave him more of a chance to splash about. The submarine toy suckers onto the side of the bath, so at a later stage it could be used in your normal bath when your child no longer needs a baby bath. The water spray (which required 3xAA batteries which weren’t provided) is very gentle, perfect for babies, although I think Bo is still a little young for it and will enjoy it more when he is a little older he did like it when we moved it and sprayed the water onto him.
This is a really nice little baby bath tub. I like the different stages and I think the water spray will be a real hit when Bo is a little older.
SwaddleMe® Bath to Bed Gift Set in Grey Star
The second item was SwaddleM® bath to bed gift set in grey star. Which is comprised of 4 muslin and terry washcloths, 1 hooded bath wrap and1 SwaddleMe® Original swaddle.
I didn’t swaddle either of my previous two children, but as Bo tends to be quite unsettled at times and gets overtired really easily, I have found that swaddling him really works. To get the hang of swaddling has been a bit of a task and my husband and I have watched a few YouTube videos to try and get it right.
The towel was in a cocoon style, which is a lovely idea. I like being able to tuck Bo’s legs into a pocket and really wrap him up. However, as Bo is such a wriggler I found he kept shaking the towel off. It would be really useful to have a couple of poppers or some velcro to hold it just loosely in place. Other than that a fab towel with a lovely pattern.
The swaddle is a really cool idea, as I mentioned above, swaddling is a bit of a skill that needs to be learnt. With the SwaddleMe blanket you simply tuck and velcro in the baby and voila your baby is swaddled. So much easier. As you can see it certainly did the job.
The towel, swaddle and wash cloths – which are really soft – make for a really lovely gift to give to new parents.
*Disclosure: We were sent the above items for the purpose of this review, however, all opinions are my own.