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Blue Monster Wants It All by Jeanne Willis
Illustrated by Jenni Desmond
32 Pages
Children’s Fiction
Little Tiger Press
Age range: 3-6 Years
Do you have children that want it all? The latest toys and the newest gadget? Then Blue Monster Wants It All is a book for them. Blue Monster is monster who, as the name suggests, wants it all – a new teddy, a new sister, new parents, his own jet and even his own palace! So much so that he leaves his entire family in pursuit of the next best thing to buy.
But, do you know what? Blue Monster is never happy. He keeps buying and buying things but even when he buys the most expensive things imaginable he’s still not happy.
This is a great book to talk to children about consumerism. About what are the real important things in life. When I talked to my children about it, we talked about what was their favourite a new teddy, or their favourite comfort teddy. What are the most important things in life – things or family. Why was Blue Monster not happy. In a world full of adverts thrown at children of things of companies selling them things they absolutely have to buy, this book passes on a refreshing message.
I think the line that encapsulated the book for me was:
‘He really needed a hug but none of his new things could comfort him.’
It is written is a fun and light way that is appropriate to the children it is aimed at. The children gasped and giggled at all of the things Blue Monster was buying. They thought that owning your very own jet would be super cool as well as a hammock with a koala in. It’s rare that I don’t love the illustrations in a book and Blue Monster Wants It All is no exception – actually I think adults books should have more illustrations in them. The story captures their imagination while at the same time delivering a message. Which I think all good children’s books do.
A lovely book that talks about the important things in life. That discusses why things cannot make you happy and how love and family are what is truly what can bring you fulfilment.
(a picture of Bo with the book just because he’s cute!)
Rating: 3.5/5
Buy the book on Amazon.
*Disclosure: We were sent this book for the purpose of this review, however, all opinions are my own.
I think that is a lovely message within the book and think it would be a good one for Sylvia who is often thinking of the next thing she wants. The illustrations are cute too.
I love the sound of this book. Such a lovely message to teach our kids. #kltr
I agree that the message does sound refreshing in this commercial world we find ourselves #KLTR