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Mid-Facelift vs Traditional Facelift
Showing signs of aging is part of the natural process of getting older. However, there are also many external factors that determine whether you age gracefully or if you look older than your biological age. But how do you know if you need a traditional facelift or a midface lift?
Knowing which procedure is best for you can be tricky. Not only is a facelift expensive, but it’s also an invasive surgery on the most noticeable part of your body. And since your face is the first thing people notice about you, it’s important that you understand the difference between the types of facelifts The extent of volume loss and skin laxity will determine whether you need a traditional facelift or only one that addresses your midface region. Both procedures are aimed at restoring lost volume and tightening loose
skin without changing the natural definition and features of your face. The main goal is to create a natural effect without being overly tight.
What is a midface facelift?
Midface lift surgery specifically targets the area around your nose, eyes and corners of your mouth. While some plastic surgeons will perform a midface lift using conventional lower facelift techniques, many surgeons now perform a midface lift endoscopically, which improves their precision and reduces downtime.
If you are deemed a suitable candidate, the incisions for a midface lift targets the cheek and jawline to improve its natural contour and reposition the cheek area. Midface lift incisions are small, deep incisions that are made in the muscle and tissue of the face. If performed endoscopically, a small camera is inserted through the incisions for visualization.
Once the incisions are created, your surgeon will adjust the fat, muscle, and tissue by pulling up the middle of the face to smooth and tighten the skin. Finally, the incisions are closed and the healing process then begins. Typically, recovery time is about one week. Because this type of facelift is less invasive than a traditional facelift, patients usually experience less bruising and swelling.
What is a traditional facelift?
A traditional facelift is a surgical procedure that visibly improves the signs of ageing of the face, which includes the following:
● Laxity of the skin that causes drooping and sagging
● Deep folds that run from the nose to the corner of your mouth on both sides
● Visible loss of volume in the cheek region
● Development of jowls and sagging neck skin
Incisions for a traditional facelift are usually hidden in the hairline and behind the ears. But as with any cosmetic surgery, a traditional facelift will not change your fundamental appearance and will not stop the ageing process.
Am I suitable candidate?
Whether you choose a traditional facelift or only a midface lift, you should be in good health, preferably a non-smoker and have realistic expectations of what a having facelift can accomplish.
Questions to Ask Your Surgeon
At your initial consultation, your surgeon will address your concerns and perform a complete medical evaluation. He or she will evaluate your skin’s integrity and determine which type of facelift is best for you. Your past medical history is very important, so be sure to inform your surgeon if you suffer from a chronic medical condition. In addition, lifestyle choices also play a vital role when it comes to your recovery, so be honest with your surgeon. If you are a smoker or heavy drinker, you will need to stop before undergoing a facelift. You should also have a list of questions and concerns you want to ask at your consultation.
Below is a brief list of questions, which should ask at your preoperative assessment:
● Where will my surgery take place?
● Can I drive myself home?
● How long before I can return to work?
● Are there any contraindications to the procedure?
● What type of physical restrictions will I have?
● Will I need to have stitches removed?
● How do I change the bandages after surgery?
Preparing for Surgery
Your surgeon will most likely prescribe you preoperative antibiotics. You also need to adjust certain medications you are taking. You should avoid taking aspirin, herbal supplements and specific anti-inflammatory medications, which can increase bleeding. Your facelift may be performed in a hospital, ambulatory surgery center or in an accredited in-office surgical facility. If your surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, you will need someone to drive you home and stay with your overnight.
If you’re considering having a facelift, it’s important that you trust the surgeon you choose. Above all else, you need to feel comfortable with your decision and their approach. Having an open and honest conversation about your aesthetic goals is key to achieving the results you want.
Plastic Surgery Institute of Miami is the South Florida practice of Drs. Altman, Ghersi and
Oeltjen. Each surgeon is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has thousands of hours performing cosmetic and plastic surgery on patients around the globe.