GUEST POST: 3 Books To Unwind To

Today I welcome Sophia from Tattooed Tealady to the blog. Sophia blog about beauty, lifestyle, and parenting. She is Mama to 1-year old Willow, born in Jan ’16. She like me is also a self-confessed bookworm and has a lot of love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

3 Books to Unwind to

3 Books To Unwind To

I’ve always been a bit of a bookworm, but sometimes I just don’t have the energy to get lost in a plot or to emotionally invest in characters. Sometimes I want something that I can pick up whenever I feel like I need something to read, when I really want to just relax, that won’t take too much concentration. For those occasions, I want something light, something interesting and something that can lift my mood all at once. Today I wanted to share some of my favourite books to unwind to, books that you can reach for when winding down before bed or catch a quick few pages off as your little one is napping or occupied in colouring.

The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well by Meik Wiking

I love this little book. It’s interesting, but with short chapters full of ideas and information and general cosiness. Not only does it make me feel more Hygge reading it, but it’s a pretty good way to find small, but effective, ways of bringing more Hygge into your life. Plus, it’s pretty beautiful, right? It’s the kind of book I’d happily gift to someone else too, for a birthday or Christmas maybe, as it’s such a light, joyful read.

Calm by Michael Acton Smith

I bought this book a couple of years ago and by my bedside it always stays; it’s one that I find is lovely for lifting my mood, making me feel more relaxed and calm and is just a beautiful visual read that I reach for at least once a week. It’s full of tips and tricks, creativity and visual tools that focus on mindfulness, meditation, tranquility and gaining a positive mental attitude to the hectic thing we call life.

Happy: Finding Joy in Every Day and Letting Go of Perfect by Fearne Cotton

This is a new one for my reading list and is far more creative and engaging than I thought it would be when I ordered it, which was actually a really pleasant surprise. Like Calm, Happy offers ways we can find more joy in our lives, but as well as having visual guides and thoughtful chapters, Happy has exercises you can do throughout the book, pages you can create, activities to try, which all aim to help make you that little bit happier. I really enjoy going through this when I’m restless before bed and find I always have a smile on my face when I put it down.

If you’re looking for an alternative read that might even bring some more positivity and joy into your daily life, these books are well worth checking out. I’ll always love my plot twists and hoping my favourite characters get their happy endings, but sometimes, something a little bit more light hearted and even a little bit soul-enriching can be a welcome change.

Thanks so much to Laura for having me guest post on her blog today, it’s been lovely and I hope you’ll love the books I’ve shared as much as I do.

You can find Sophia online:

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That post did Sophia, these look like really lovely books. I am always after new book recommnedations so I will definitely be checking these out. Nothing better than an uplifting book that makes you smile. 

1 thought on “GUEST POST: 3 Books To Unwind To”

  1. Oh these sound like lovely books, definitely worth looking into. My daughter is starting mindfulness at school, which has made me more aware of things like this and how helpful they can be.


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