We’re JCB Kids Brand Ambassadors


We’re JCB Kids Brand Ambassadors

I am really excited to let you know that we’re JCB Kids Brand Ambassadors. My son has liked diggers for as long as I can remember. There was a time we couldn’t walk past a toy store without him by-passing a ‘digger department’. He has this little digger we bought when he was small that was technically too old for him when we bought it.  But, he absolutely fell in love with it in the toy store. My husband took pity and bought it for him but told him it was very fragile and he must be gentle and look after it. He must have been about two at the time. This much beloved digger is still around three years later, but has ever since been known as ‘glass digger’ – because it was fragile you see. It still remains one of his favourite toys.

He has passed this love onto his sister and digger games are a regular in our household. Every car journey made more exciting by roadworks – who knew that could be a thing before I had children?

Back in September we went to Funfest which is a blogging conference where you can take your children along, and meet lots of brands at the same time too. JCB Kids also happened to be there much to my son’s excitement, I think his face says it all! They gave him a digger to take home with him and he took it to bed with him that night.

Much excitement has ensued since we found we have been chosen as Brand Ambassadors. I have two children who cannot wait to share with you their love and thoughts on the JCB Kids items.


The Unboxing

As part of the ambassador programme, we will share with you new JCB Kids toys and clothing each month and let you know what we think. Our first package arrived in the post over the weekend, much to the children’s delight. Because you see, it was a BIG box, and everyone knows that big boxes are awesome. Right? Here are their faces as they unboxed their goodies. Much excitement as you can see.

My First JCB Big Wheeler Action Team

The first item we were sent to review is the My First JCB Big Wheeler Action team. Which is a multipack of the three of the JCB team. Joey JCB, Doug Dumpertruck and Freddie Fastrac.


The first thing I will comment on is that the diggers were relatively easy to get out of the packaging. That’s saying something as I have had items that have needed a screwdriver to get them out before!

 JCB Brand Ambassadors - My-First-JCB-Big-Wheeler-Action-Team review

All three of the diggers are a good size. These are not mini diggers, but in fact big, sturdy toys. They are suitable for children 12m+ and I could see small toddlers loving this as much as my two. They’re well made and robust.


We’re a firm believable in toys for all children in our house. As you can see, diggers are not just for boys and my daughter loved them as much as my son did. Each of the toys does something. You can move the digger shovels up and down, You can open Freddie’s bonnet and move his hoe around. And naturally the dumper track can well, dump.

This would make a really lovely present for any digger or truck loving child. I think for the size and quality of the toys and that it’s a three pack the price is really good too (I’ve seen them on offer a the moment with Christmas coming also). They were a big hit in or house.

RRP £29.99

JCB Kids Clothing at M&Co

Also sent in our package was two items of clothing from the JCB Kids range at M&Co. I have to admit I didn’t know that M&Co sold JCB Kids clothes and it has been something I have hunted for on many occasions. We were sent a Team JCB long sleeve t-shirt and matching jogging bottoms. They came in size 5-6 which is the current size my son wears (he has just turned 5).


The clothing is made of a really nice, soft good quality jersey and are quite generously sized. My son has plenty of growing room in them, which is always a good thing. The jogging bottoms have appliqué badges sewn onto the legs.


My son said they were really cosy and have loved changing into them after school this week. Perfect in this chill weather.

Team Joey JCB T-shirt £9.00

JCB Joey Track Joggers £12.00

*Disclosure: We went sent these items for the purpose of this review, however, as always all opinions are my own.


6 thoughts on “We’re JCB Kids Brand Ambassadors”

  1. Oh wow! What a great opportunity! In our house it’s tractors not diggers but equal enthusiasm – just from the husband haha. I’m sure his joy will rub off on our little girl though!

  2. Look at Logan’s face in front of those diggers! He looks so happy! I really like the look of these toys they look really chunky and substantial and are quite good value as they look pretty indestructible.


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