FILM REVIEW: Ghostbusters (2016)

ghostbusters 2016

Ghostbusters 2016 – Film Review

Rating: 12A
Running time: 116 mins
Release date (cinemas): 11th July 2016
Genre: Fantasy / Comedy

If there’s something strange in your neighbourhood…

My first memory of the original Ghostbusters movie wasn’t the best. It was all going so well until the lady in the library. You know the one, she’s pink, she’s quietly reading and she leads you into a false sense of security. Then she goes all skull crazy on you. She’s a ghost in a library – she’s not meant to be scary!

I had nightmares after that for a good week. In my defence, I wasn’t very old and after over-coming this freaking scary repeated nightmare, the Ghostbusters became one of my favourite films on the 80s.

There has been a lot of press about the new film. Particularly centred around the fact that this time around the cast is female, and not male. However, as soon as I saw the trailer, I thought that it looked great fun and couldn’t wait to see it.

Before you go to see the 2016 film, I think my advice would be to view it as a completely different film to the original and don’t compare it. If you think of them as two separate films and not as a remake, then I think you’ll be fine.

While there are similarities to the stories, the films have two different plots. The premise centres around two ex- university friends who wrote a book on the paranormal, but haven’t seen each other for many years. That is, until circumstances bring them together once more.

The film on the most part is pretty silly, with a few nicely spooky bits thrown in. It doesn’t matter in the least that the cast are female, it works really well. To complete the role reversal, Chris Hemsworth joins as the male equivalent of the receptionist Janine. Quite frankly – looks aside (and let’s face it those don’t hurt!) – Hemsworth is fabulous in his dizzy blonde role and hams it up to the nines.

The comedy in the movie does fall more towards the (very) silly side. My sister described it as slapstick – and while I don’t think it’s quite at that level, it’s certainly a bit barmy in parts. I could say look out for the cameos, but that would a be a ridiculous statement. The cameos start out as funny and kind of get a bit over the top by the end. I think pretty much every cast member from the original pops up at some point. I think the cheesiest line has to go to Dan Aykroyd as a cab driver who declares ‘I ain’t afraid of no ghost’. And, perhaps the most pointless one going to Ozzy Osborne. I’m actually not even sure why he was there. Just when you think they’re all over, none other than Sigourney Weaver pops in right at the very end.

Criticism aside, I came out of the cinema with a smile on my face and had a really good time. Yes it did layer on the cheese a little, but it was all good fun. I suspect it will make my DVD purchase list.

8 thoughts on “FILM REVIEW: Ghostbusters (2016)”

  1. I saw the trailer & thought it looked funny but then everyone was slating it when it came out so I haven’t seen it. Think I’ll definitely watch it when it’s out on dvd x

  2. I actually really like the sound of it, it was such a comedy movie in the first place that the only way to do another Ghostbusters was to take the mick out of the first one. I look forward to watching it.

  3. I’m glad I read your review. I have been wondering what the movie is like and to be honest it does not sound like my thing but something maybe John and Sylvia would find fun. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  4. I’m still not sure if i want to see it but i probably will, just out of curiosity when it comes onto Sky. I am glad it has a different story line though. Thanks for sharing your review x


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