Introducing My New Guest Series – My Favourite Five Books

My Favourite Five Books

Introducing My Favourite Five Books – A New Guest Series

As most of you probably know, books have a firm place in my heart. I love books and couldn’t imagine a life without them. For seven years or so I was Editor for book review site Book Chick City, which has sadly closed down now. But I have found I am missing writing book reviews, so have started to introduce them more to my blog.

From this came an idea to start a guest series on my blog – My Favourite Five Books. Where I will invite lots of different people to share their favourite five books around a a topic of their choice. Be it cookery books, fitness books, children’s books relevant for different ages, books for bloggers and books for thriller lovers. I hope that there will be something for everyone.

So, from now on, every Tuesday will be my favourite five books day. Where you can join me and a guest each week and read their recommendations and well loved reads. I have already got a few bloggers lined up over the next few weeks which I am really excited about and can’t wait to share with you all. I also aim to try and invite different experts in different fields to join in too where possible.

I’d also love to hear from you if you would like to guest in the series to. If so, please just drop me an email You don’t have to be a blogger to join in, just someone who simply loves to read. The more the merrier.

I hope you enjoy this new series, see you there next Tuesday!

2 thoughts on “Introducing My New Guest Series – My Favourite Five Books”

  1. What a lovely idea for a series. I look forward to reading it and discovering lots of new reading material – both the books they choose and the bloggers that choose them!


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