Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin and James Dean
Illustrated by James Dean
40 Pages
Children’s Stories
Harper Collins Children’s Books
Age range: 3+
I had not heard of Pete the Cat before, but my husband has fond memories of him from his childhood and suggested we buy a couple of the stories for our son for Christmas. The books have really fun and colourful and are definitely written with a sense of humour. Pete is the most laid-back, chilled cat you could ever meet. In fact, when I read the books I often wonder if Pete might have had something added to his brownies 😉 .
Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons is about Pete’s, well, groovy buttons. Pete loves the buttons on his shirt, so much so that he even has a groovy song for them. But then do you know what happens? One pops off – But did Pete cry?
“Did Pete cry? Goodness, no! He kept on singing his song”
The story has plenty of repetition, but this is part of what makes it so charming. We made up a little tune for Pete’s song ourselves, but there is actually a link to a free download of a song on the Pete the Cat website. My son can be heard singing the song well after the story had ended.
It’s also a great way to teach mental arithmetic, as Pete looses a button, we do the maths to work out how many buttons left.
It also teaches children that when bad things happen, they are often not quite as bad as you think in a funny and light-hearted way.
Pete the Cat is chilled and happy book, it’s funny and has great illustrations to go with it. It is most definitely one on the favourites list.
Rating: 4/5
Buy the book on Amazon.
lol I love the idea of Pete having special brownies. The illustrations are so unique & engaging. Sounds like a fun book to read! x
Oh this is a new one to me and I love the idea of being to download the song to go with it. I like how he looks like such a cool cat, it would appeal to lots of children. Thanks for hosting #KLTR
I love the illustrations on this – quirky and kind of childlike. My little boy is definitely a cat person, so this sounds like one he’d like (me on the other hand, I’m definitely a dog person!) I love that you made up a song too – I’m always doing things like that! #KLTR
Haha, Pete and his special brownies. Naughty Pete!
On a serious note though, I’ve never heard of Pete the cat before but it looks like a good series, love how colourful the book is, and you can’t beat a book about cats! (we’re a family of cat people!)xx
I’ve never heard of Pete the Cat before but it sounds like a great book. Handy for introducing the concept of subtraction in a fun way. #KTLR
I think my son would love this as he loves cats and loves counting at the mo. Looks like a really fun book #kltr