A Beauty Bag from Boswells of Oxford & Giveaway

Boswells of Oxford Beauty Bag

A Beauty Bag from Boswells of Oxford

Around Easter time I was very lucky to be sent some lovely beauty goodies in a bag from Boswells of Oxford. I do love beauty and make up bits and there really is nothing like happy post is there?

There a couple of products that were completely new to me and some that I have really fallen in love with too. Then there were things like the exfoliating gloves which I know I should be using more, especially with summer approaching!

I also thought I would share the love and have a little giveaway of some of the items too!

Dead Sea Spa Magik Moisturiser

Boswells of Oxford Dead Sea Spa Magik Moisturiser

I have been using this moisturiser and I really like it. I have combination skin, quite prone to breakouts. But it also gets very dry. So I often find getting the right moisturiser tricky. This is a really rich and nourishing moisturiser without being too thick or greasy. My skin seems to be getting on really well with it, I suspect I will be buying more when my supplies run out – I was sent several samples and they are lasting a long time as you only need a little bit.

Dr. Hauschka Lavender Sandalwood Body Cream

Boswells of Oxford Dr Hauschka

I have heard of Dr. Hauschka, but never tried any of their products before. I want sent their body cream to try and I was not disappointed. I have primarily been using this on my legs, and again like my face, my skin does get dry on my legs too. This is a lovely rich moisturiser that left my legs feeling lovely after I applied it. The only thing I am not so keen on is the smell as it’s quite a strong scent and I generally prefer more subtle smells.

Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Organic Hand Sanitizer

Boswells of Oxford lavender hand sanitizer

This is another product that was a real winner for me. Firstly it’s organic and fair trade – always a selling point. The smell is lovely and fresh too. The biggest thing I really like about this though, is you know when you usually use a hand sanitizer and your hands often feel quite dry after using it? You don’t get that feeling from this hand santiizer at all. It didn’t leave my hands feeling dry or tight which I loved.


Boswells of Oxford Little Hotties home fragrance

I received a couple of items in my bag that I do not need. I have a face oil I really love and while the fragrance burner smells amazing I’m not that keen about having candles about with young children and I’m also not a candles and bath person at all. So I thought it might be nice to share the love and pass these goodies onto someone else.

If you would like to win the following two items then please enter your details into Rafflecopter:

    • Antipodes Divine Face Oil – Avocado Oil and Rosehip
    • Bomb Cosmetics Little Hotties – Home Fragrance Melts and Burner

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*One winner will be sent the above to products in the post. Open to UK entrants only. One winner will be drawn at random. Closing date is Wednesday 27th April 2016.

**Disclosure: Boswells of Oxford sent me these items to review, however, all opinions are my own.

80 thoughts on “A Beauty Bag from Boswells of Oxford & Giveaway”

  1. I love home fragrances and light tealights every evening and I also burn oils and larger candles! The facial oil sounds wonderful too! Thank you!

  2. Would like to try all these products as new to me especially the Home Fragrance Melts and Burner to see what they smell like

  3. I know I deserve a treat, but so does my mum, and she would be the recepient of your largesse lol!! thanks xx

  4. Because, apparantly, I need to learn how to chill and relax, rather than running myself into the ground, som some beautiful home aromatheraphy would be perfect to set the mood

  5. Oh I would love these treats because it has been a while since I have been treated 🙂 I love all things beauty.

  6. I would love to win this little beauty bundle for my daughter who is stressing over her A level exams – it would be a lovely boost for her and would calm both her mind and skin. She is also a hand sanitizer freak – always carries one about with her !

  7. Lovely gesture thankyou. I’ve always liked using oil on my face but haven’t got any at the mo so using normal moisturiser and poor knackered face is definitely missing the oil.

  8. I would love to win these goodies so that I can pamper myself and relax after working 7 days a week for months.

  9. It is a beautiful giveaway and there is almost never any of the household budget left for a treat like this for us girlies.

  10. I’d love to try these as my skin is very dry as well as being sensitive in places, and as these all seem to be quality items, they shouldn’t irritate it or cause my skin to flare up.

  11. because I am a stay at home mum to 3 children and i study at night. Its coming up to my final exams and I need a little treat

  12. I would love to win these for my sister in law who is currently preganant these would be perfect for her to chill out with at night 🙂

  13. I would love to win your lovely prize because there are some fantastic products in there that I would love to try. I have never seen the Lavender Hand Sanitiser before and will definitely buy it if I am not your very lucky winner. Thank you anyway x

  14. Can never justify spending money on myself for items like this but would be lovely to try them 🙂

  15. I would love to win these goodies as I’ve been unwell recently and they would be a lovely pick me up. You can’t beat candles or melts for uplifting your mood as they smell gorgeous!

  16. fab bundle. I would love to win this selection as i have just broken my wax burner by accidentally dropping it on the floor 🙁 . I love the dead sea products. I was bought the moisturiser for my birthday last year and its a fab moisturiser that keeps your skin feeling soft with out being over greasy.

  17. Would love to win these they look great and I am so addicted to using these kinds of things in my home.

  18. I love home fragrances and I could do with some pampering due to me being unwell (long term chronic illness). Thank you for the lovely giveaway ???? xxx

  19. I would love to win for my Daughter in Law, she is in the late stage of pregnancy and this would be a lovely, relaxing treat for her.

  20. Never tried this specific Face Oil – but love melts and have a very old Burner so would be lovely to win a brand new one.

  21. I’d love to win because It would be great to have a nice treat 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity to win this fantastic prize! Good luck everybody.

  22. A few years ago when I was at a really unhealthy weight the doctor referred me on a programme to analyse why I ate and she offered me lots of alternatives to try and stop me overeating. I have fell back into that spiral of overeating and these lovely goodies would offer me the alternatives to raiding the fridge. Lovely prizes – thanks for the giveway!

  23. I would love to win this as i need a bit of a treat. My year has been really stressful so far and in need of some relaxation.

  24. Suffering with 2 chronic illness’s i find Lavender so soothing and relaxing,i also LOVE my wax melts and scented candles,this would be such a treat,i’d be thrilled to win,thank you for the chance xxx

  25. I’d like to win because I am 36 weeks pregnant, thoroughly fed up and could do with a nice pamper session 🙂 <3

  26. I love trying new products & these look great, plus it’s my birthday next week – would be a lovely treat, thank you


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