Free Hey Workout Web Cam Fitness Classes Trial & Competition to Win a 4 Month Subscription

Free Hey Workout Trial & Competition to Win a 4 Month Subscription


If you’re anything like me then a gym membership is not a feasible option for getting fitter. With two young children I have no childcare in the day and by the time the evening comes around while my good intentions are there some days, most days I am too shattered to make it out the door.

Then I was contacted by Hey Workout they offer interactive web cam fitness classes. Work out classes run by a personal fitness instructor when the instructor can see you, but you can not see other people in the class. They offer a combination of live and interactive classes or pre-recorded classes for you to choose from.

This sounded right up my street. They have offered both me and all of the readers of my blog a free 14 day trial – how cool is that? See below for how to get your free trial.

I will be reviewing their service in two weeks time and will let you all know what I think, but I thought I would give you all the chance to review it at the same time as me. So please join in and enjoy two week’s of free exercise and support.

Free 14 Day Trial for All Blog Readers

Click here to get your 14 day free trial.

Don’t forget to stop back in two week’s time and let me know what you think. If a lot of people wish to join in I can make it a one-off linky too so that we can all share thoughts. I’ll look forward to hearing what you all think.

Competition To Win a 4 Month Subscription

I also have one prize of a free 4 month subscription to Hey Workout to one lucky reader, enter below for your chance to win and good luck 🙂 .

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Terms and conditions: One person will win a 4 month subscription to Hey Workout, prize will be provided by Hey Workout. Laura’s Lovely Blog is not liable for prize delivery. Competition closes at midnight on the 12th October 2015. One winner will be chosen at random. 

**This is a collaborative post. 

Domesticated Momster


SuperLucky Blog Giveaway Linky

4 thoughts on “Free Hey Workout Web Cam Fitness Classes Trial & Competition to Win a 4 Month Subscription”

  1. We just cleared out this huge space in our bedroom by putting our recliners in the living room. My first thought was hey this would be a great place to workout…now if I could just find the time ???? what a great app to review! Thanks for sharing with #momsterslink.


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