I was tagged by Jess at Mrs. Puddleducky to come up with 6 things I do that annoy my Other Half. Hmm… it would be much easier to do this the other way around.
Let me see, these are 6 things I think annoy him, rather than things he has explicitly told me bother him.
- Put things away without telling him, sometimes in new more practical places, then we he goes to find them he can’t find them.
- Being a back seat driver. I think this is a particular bug bear of his. I have been known to say ‘Ben brake’ when I think he is getting to close to someone (sorry).
- Having lots and lots of handbags. I actually think he thinks I am slightly insane when I buy another one, or express a need for needing another to add to the collection.
- My love affair with the internet. In the past he has affectionately referred to me a Laura.com, he also on occasion has cursed the day I ever got an iPad or iPhone and loved our WiFi free holiday.
- As he’s really into cooking gets frustrated over some of my food dislikes. For example, I don’t like sweet and savoury together at all – fruit should not be on a main course or in a savoury salad, I don’t even like sweet and sour when we get a Chinese.
- Take short cuts. Well he would describe it as taking a short cut, I would say I am being more practical. Not as in when we’re travelling somewhere, but with things like recipes. He likes to stick to the recipe and do everything religiously where as I would look at it and think oh I can skip steps 3, 4 and 5 but just bunging everything in a mixer. I think we may have to agree to disagree on this one 😉 .
So what things do you do that annoys your other half?
I now tag, the following bloggers if you fancy joining in the fun.
Becky from Little O and Me
Rachel from Parenthood Highs and Lows
Sarah from Twins Make Five
I loved his post Laura! Very fun to read! I also tell my hubby to brake at times lol!
Angela xx
It’s obviously their fault for going to fast… no? 😉
Glad you enjoyed it x
Laura, we are soooo similar!!
Number 1 – This is me all over! Although I then forget the safe place I’ve put the item haha!
Number 2 – Omg, I’m awful! I’d much prefer to drive!
Number 3- Not handbags for me but Uggs! My partner has the same feelings about my collection!
Number 5- I’m the same! Certain foods should not go together! Don’t understand the fruit thing either yuck!
Fab post!
Gemma xxx
Ha ha Gemma it sounds like we are very similar 🙂
I have been known to lose the things I put away too… oops!
Glad I’m not the only one lol, I feel awful when I forget eeek!
Gemma xx
I love this! There are so many things I do that annoy Hubby, I can’t even think of them! x
Ha ha – you should do it too then Donna – I am tempted to do it the other way around too 😉
Brilliant! We share some of the same! I think my hubby has given up & succumbed to our evenings being dominated by the Internet and I !!
I have tried to compromise as I imagine it is frustrating if I’m on the internet all the time – not always easy!