Welcome to a new feature on my blog – Ben’s Zone. Written by husband… Ben. A foodie (he doesn’t admit it, but he’s a total food snob), coffee obsessed, ex-smoking, ex-drinking and Ridgeback loving father (our dog adores him – as does our son whose favourite toys are cooking related just like his Dad). Who is also seriously into his fitness. Be it bikes (he has far too many) or more recently muddy racing after completely Tough Guy (and getting hypothermia just for the fun of it) in January this year. Oh and he has a bit of a penchant for pink. He will blog pretty much about the above and you can find him on the blog (most) Sundays. Enjoy 🙂
Five Experiences I Would Like to Share with my Daughter
My little baby girl turned one this week. She still is very much a baby but even now we can see the start of her personality forming. I can’t say whether what I see now is going to form part of who she is when she’s an adult but the transition from a creature that really just eats, sleeps and shouts into a proper little person is clearly underway. It’s made me think about what I want her to be able to experience in life and the things I have been able to do that I’d like her to get the chance to try too.
1. Catch her first wave
For as long as I can remember I have loved to be in the water. My daughter is already showing signs of being a bit of a dare devil and I hope that one day she’ll join me off the north coast of Cornwall and catch some waves with me. When I surf as well as the adrenalin you’d expect I feel a profound sense of peace and connection to something greater. I hope one day Aria can feel that too, even if it does involve being wet and cold.
2. Line up with me at Tough Guy
Tough Guy was my first obstacle race and, so far, the most difficult one I have done. Yes, it was very hard and yes, it was very frightening in parts but in that crucible I tested myself and bested my fears. I made friends who I will never meet again and I learned that even when my brain is fogged with hypothermia I can keep going. One day I hope that Aria can experience that with me. Not least because it’s the best fun you can possibly have on a Sunday in January.
3. Get Married
Much as she will always be my little girl, I know that she’ll also be a strong grown up woman one day. My single greatest pleasure in life is the love I have for my family and the time I spend with them. I want her to know that same feeling, if she wants it . If it’s not what she wants, that’s fine too, as long as she keeps the number of cats she owns to a respectable level.
4. Build a Lego model
It’s almost certain that I will achieve this. In truth this doesn’t have to be Lego though that might be her thing, it could be dressing a dolly, playing in a playhouse, or flying a kite. I want her to remember times when she and I played together because I remember those times with my own father. It’s not all about teaching important life skills and helping her be the person she wants to be (though that’s important too) it’s about showing her that everyone should get to play a little and sharing that with her.
5. Cook a meal with my son and I
Cooking is and always has been a passion for me. There are few things I enjoy more than cooking food for the people I love. For me cooking is another thing that taps into something really basic, I’m a very hands on person in the kitchen. My son is only 3 but already, if asked what he wants to do on the weekend, he’ll say he wants to cook. It’s become something we can enjoy and share together and I’d like Aria to be part of that too.
Great post,and I can see you doing all of them with her! So glad that you want to share the surfing and obstacle racing with your daughter as well as with your son.
I think she’s going to be more than capable of being tough as nails without compromising her ability to be fabulous.
Most of all I want her to have choices that aren’t bound to her gender.
Fab post. Great to put these on record to tick off when they happen. I love to see the man’s perspective. Hope she’s game for a challenge. It’s so good to get them into loads of activities from a young age #thelist
Thanks Wander Mum, don’t worry, she’s already gam for a challenge, I suspect it’ll be her challenging me soon enough !
What a great post! 🙂 Next year my boys and I are doing tough mudder so I totally get your list! Thanks for linking on #wineandboobs
I totally envy you! I think Logan is a little young for mudder but maybe he’ll line up with me in the future. I hope you have a blast with your boys