I have no shame in admitting how much I love handbags. Giving up work and having two children has put a serious dent in my handbag budget, but it doesn’t mean I don’t lust after them… Repeatedly. Handbag of the month is where I pick a bag that has caught my eye for this month, even if I can’t afford to buy it! 😉 Some might old, new, cheap, mega expensive… This is simply all about bags I love.
Pick of the Month – February 2015
Lulu Guiness for Comic Relief
This month I have chosen a bag for any budget. At just £5, you can grab yourself a super stylish tote and feel super good about it too, with at least £1.50 of your purchase going towards Comic Relief. I can sometimes be a bit on the fence about Lulu Guiness designs, loving some, but not so much others. But, I think these are fab. I love the funky designs, I think my favourite is the one on the left with the kisses all over it. What about you? I can’t find it online, but I have seen the designs available to buy in-store.
I love the sneaky leopard one, and at a great price too.
The kisses one for me too.
@hilary and @loraine you can’t go wrong for £5 can you?!