How to Improve your Timekeeping Skills

*This is a collaborative post*

How to Improve your Timekeeping Skills

When it comes to working, whether you work at home or in an office, sometimes, our timekeeping can go out of the window causing a lot of unwanted stress.

This excess stress has even led to individuals taking time off to deal with it. However, there are ways to deal with this before it gets to wasting your holidays. From lists to buying a new watch and even saying ‘no’, below, we highlight what you can do to improve your timekeeping, work schedule and de-stress at the same time.

Get a watch

While this may sound simple, in the world we live in many rely too much on their phone or computer to tell them the time. However, it’s not a good idea to solely rely on this, especially if you don’t work at a desk. Therefore, getting yourself a simple watch will ensure you can keep an eye on the time wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.

Time yourself

Now that you’ve invested in a new watch, time yourself when you do particular jobs and tasks. This will give you a better idea of how long things take, helping you to better plan your schedule and let people know what work you can and can’t take on.


If you don’t love a list, you’re doing something wrong. Sitting down before you start your day and looking at what tasks need doing before others, alongside what will take longer, will help you to create a list of the jobs to do that day. Try sticking to two or three key tasks, and while things may pop up during the day, this should help you to keep your focus.


While most jobs will have deadlines assigned to them, giving yourself your own deadlines for each task will help to do wonders for your workload. Also, now that you know how long things are taking, you’ll be able to map these deadlines out much easier.


We can all be guilty of trying to do four or five different jobs at the same time. However, while you may think this is helping, it could be doing the reverse. So, instead of doing a little of everything focus on one thing at a time, this will help you put all of your energy into it without getting too distracted.


While you may have allocated three hours to one job and two to another, make sure you take little breaks during your work. This can help to prevent you from becoming overwhelmed, resulting in work that’s not your best that you’ll have to re-do later. From making a coffee to getting a little snack or using the toilet, those few minutes away from your screen will do you a world of good.

Say ‘no’

Finally, if you can’t take something on, just say no. While some jobs will spring up that require completing as soon as possible, not all of them are important. Keep this in mind and you’ll be able to better organise yourself, without burning out, letting people down or, more importantly, letting yourself down.

So, next time you walk into the office or sit at your home desk, keep these things in mind and not only will you be able to manage your day better, but you’ll feel better at the end of the day too.

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