Just like that, Aria has finished her very first year at school. Reception really has flown by. There’s something really so special about reception and they’re very first year of school. Watching them so tiny going into the classroom for the very first time. It’s such a big year for them and it seems like all too soon it’s all over.
Aria started school 7 months younger than Logan did, but she so very excited to be starting and go to school like he does. She is such a different character to her brother and while we did have the odd day when she was reticent to go through the door in the mornings, she has thrown herself feet first into reception and absolutely flourished. I think it’s safe to Aria has had a wonderful time full of fun, learning and friends.
Having started school barely able to write her own name and certainly not able to read, Aria loves to write and is always practising and writing little sentences. She will finish the year on light blue books which is actually a year one reading level.
As I mentioned above, Aria has made so many friends and is such a sociable and happy little girl. She’s always telling me about the friends she plays with and the different games that they play. I love that it’s a mix of boys and girls too and I really hope this continues as I think it’s a much healthier dynamic. I’m not a fan of boy/girl divide that often seems to happen in school.
Aria has loved forest school which is something our school runs and I think every school and every year should do it as it’s so good for children. She has also loved baking and drawing and painting. Which is no surprise as she could sit and do craft at home for hours. She really surprised me when Zoolab came to visit as she’s usually really frightened of creatures, but she held a millipede and said that the tarantula wasn’t scary!
It really is fair to say that Aria has grown up so much this year, not just in appearance, but in independence. She is a different girl to the one who first walked through that door in September, a bigger and altogether more confident one.
Her report was amazing and made me feel a bit misty eyed! She is exceeding in so many areas which is amazing given she is one of the younger ones in the year. But the comments from her teacher are what made my day:
“It has been my pleasure to teach Aria this year, she is an incredible young lady destined for great things. “
What more could a parent ask for?
As I write this I am so full of emotions. pride, a little sad it has gone so quick, so full of love for my little girl who is embracing the world and all it has to offer.