Lovely Gratitude – March 2019 Gratitude Challenge

Lovely Gratitude - March 2019 Gratitude Challenge

Lovely Gratitude – March 2019 Gratitude Challenge

Welcome back to my gratitude challenge. This is the third challenge of the year. So far I have written 100 things that I am grateful for and attempted to go 24 hours without complaining. Which was a lot tougher than I expected it to be.

Talking to people on social media, a lot of people of people found February’s challenge quite hard too. So I hope that you will find this month’s a little easier.

If you’re new to the challenge, but still want to join in there’s still still, please come and join in and embrace the gratitude! To take part, just join in it’s a simple as that. You can start from the beginning if you would like or start from this month. If you want to share with me how it’s going I have a hashtag to use on social media #LovelyGratitude2019.

March’s Gratitude Challenge

March’s gratitude challenge is going to be photography focused. I’ve been really loving Instagram lately, so this is perfect timing. The challenge for March is for each week of March to take a photo of something that you have been grateful for that week. You don’t have to share it on social media if you don’t want to – although if you do, I would love to see it. Just take a photo and use it to remember and embrace things that have made you happy. Four photos in March, hopefully easy peasy?

If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few idea to get you going:

  • People in your life you love and you’re grateful for
  • A favourite book
  • A place you like to snuggle up in at home
  • A place that brings you lots of lovely memories
  • Pets
  • Any hobbies you enjoy
  • A gift
  • An event or activity you’re proud of

I would love to hear how you are getting on. Also please do check my Instagram stories as I do keep you updated as to how I’m doing on there. Please do let me know on my Facebook page, or Twitter or Instagram, whichever works for you.

I’ve also done a video to go with the challenge below.

The next challenge goes live on the 1st April, hopefully see you there!

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