To My Daughter on her 4th Birthday
Dearest Aria,
I think I say this at the beginning of everyone of these letters that I can’t believe that another year has passed by so quickly. It’s been a big year for you, we’ve moved house and you’ve found out that you’re going to be a big sister too. Which when you got over the fact it was going to be another brother and not a sister you’re very excited about. And in September you will be off to big school with your oldest brother.
You completely adore pre-school and complain when it’s the holidays or a Friday or weekend which are days you don’t go. You particularly love singing and going to Forest School. Ruby continues to be one of your best friends. Early in May we had your birthday party a little early in case your brother decided to come earlier than expected. We had a Build-a-Bear party with some of your friends and you simply had the best time. So much so that you cried when it was over because you didn’t want to come home.
You still love Paw Patrol, but you also like to watch other TV shows such as Dinotrux, True and the Rainbow Kingdom and Transformers Prime with Logan. Your favourite toys to play with are Lottie dolls, Barbies, dolls, Paw Patrol, Dressing up and Lego. As well as craft. We’re currently decorating your bedroom in the new house and you have gone super girly all pink with unicorns and rainbows. You are also super excited about getting your very own cabin bed and saying goodbye to your little toddler bed.
You have grown up so much since your third birthday, it’s quite incredible. Your speech is so good and you are desperate to be doing things like Logan such as writing and learning to read. You even ask me to give you homework so you can be just like him. I know that you will love starting school, despite that fact you will be almost a year younger than Logan.
You have a bit of a temper on you, and over the past year have become a bit of the queen of fake tears as your Daddy calls them. You have the amazing ability to turn on tears at the drop of a hat when things are not quite going your way! Which also shows your tenacity which will hold you in good stead when you’re a grown up.
You’re still allergic to milk, but are ever such a good girl about it, understanding that there’s lots of things you can’t have as they will make you poorly. We have started working our way up the milk ladder, but have halted for the moment as your tummy was getting sore. But for now you can tolerate things with cooked milk in and I think perhaps the most exciting for you is proper chocolate.
You love book and stories so much and are pretty much happy to read anything to you. Julia Donaldson, as well as Hairy Mclary and anything princess related is always welcome in your world. You will sing along to anything and really want to get involved in your Daddy and brother’s guitar lessons so much that you have asked for a ukele for your birthday – a pink one of course.
I think you’re pretty much always the first one up in the house, running in for a hug or chattering away to your Daddy as he gets ready in the morning. You love to help whether it’s feeding the animals, fetching out the breakfast cereals, or helping me load up the washing machine nothing is too much trouble. Which has been super handy when I’m pregnant as you have even been helping me undo my shoes!
You are such an affectionate child, you still give the best hugs ever. Life would not the same without Aria hugs. You love to hold different people’s hands on the school run and chat away to them about all the things in your world. You like to help people who are hurt, kiss my tummy and giggle with your Daddy and brother. You have just started running and are doing so well. Words cannot express how proud your Daddy and I are of you. I know this year I will have to let go of you a little as you venture into the world of school, but I also know that you will fly. That you will share your love and caring nature with those around you, and fill our home with paintings and craft. Happy birthday little one, may this next year be even better.
What a beautiful letter and she/and you will be able to look back at this in years to come for your memories.
Kay xx