It’s Moving Day!

It's Moving Day!

It’s Moving Day!

It’s moving day! I’m obviously writing this post in advance and even as I sit here it doesn’t seem quite real that it is happening. Our chain has been pretty awful, so it was such a relief when we finally exchanged. We’ve lived in our current house for 11 years. I’ve got married in this house, brought my two babies home to this house, lost two cats and a dog in this house and brought home a new cat and a dog. I have laughed, I have cried and I have loved here. I have also lived the majority of my adult life here. It’s been a good home. A happy home.

I was the driving force behind us moving house. I very much feel we have outgrown our current house and it was time to find a house much more suited to our family life. And yet as I have prepared to move, packing up all of our belongings it is hard not to be sentimental about the house that has been our home for so long. So even though I know it’s time to move on and I am really excited about the adventure in front of us, I am a little bit sad about saying goodbye to the home that is full of rich memories.

I remember our very first viewing we loved it as soon as we saw it. The space, the large rooms for the area and the great sense of light throughout the house were all big winners. We’ve got some great neighbours and made some lovely friends but we are only moving around the corner so hopefully we will still in touch with some.

Our new house is much bigger. We’re going from a 3-bed terrace to a 4-bed detached house on a corner plot, which means we get a really great size garden to go with it. A garage, which my motorbike loving husband is excited about. An en-suite – which in my head is going to entirely be a Laura dressing room (ha!) and an outdoor cabin. As well as a brand new kitchen. It has a real sense of space which is something that always appeals to my husband and I in houses, light is very important too, and both the dining room and lounge have patio doors giving us this.

I’m so excited and cannot wait to get the keys in my hands. But I know as I close the door on our old house for one last time I will have a small moment of sadness as we say goodbye to this home and chapter of our lives.

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