Marmaduke the Very Different Dragon by Rachel Valentine
Illustrated by Ed Eaves
32 Pages
Children’s Stories
Bloomsbury Children’s
Age range: 2.5+
This was a book that was given to my son that for some reason fell to the back of the bookshelf and got a little forgotten about. Which was really silly, because it really is a lovely story. Marmaduke is a dragon, but he’s a bit of a different dragon.
“And while the other dragons loved to fly, Marmaduke didn’t.
His wings were different. They were unusual.”
We learn that Marmaduke is a different dragon who wants to be like all the other dragons and protect a princess, but because he’s different nobody wants him.
Now don’t think just because this book has princesses in it it’s just for girls, because gender stereotyping aside it really isn’t. My son thinks dragons are kind of like dinosaurs and are therefore super cool and loved reading a story about them.
This is a book about dragons and princesses, but also about understanding how differences are not always a bad thing. It was interesting reading it to my son as I’m not sure he fully comprehended the message at first. But, it gave us a good talking point about how people might be different and how it was ok that they were different, and how some of his friends were different in different ways and they were still his friends.
The illustrations are just beautiful in this book too. I love the vividly coloured dragons and when we discover what is different about Marmaduke is just so pretty and got an ‘ooh’ out of us as we were reading it.
This is a book about celebrating differences and it’s marvellous. We all know differences make spectacular people… or dragons and Marmaduke proves just that.
Rating: 4/5
Buy the book on Amazon.
Ah this looks lovely, it look like there is gold foil on Marmaduke’s wings too, my girls love books that are embellished like that! xx #KLTR
This looks like a great book – beautiful shiny stars and an important message. #KLTR
Oh this looks super cute. My magic obsessed daughter loves dragons and would definitely appreciate the touches of sparkle! I love the idea of teaching kids that difference is a great thing – what a lovely positive thought to end the day with! #KLTR