I Am the Mum Who…
I was tagged by Jess who blogs at Mrs Puddleducky to do ‘I am the Mum who’ which is a fun internet meme about being a Mum. Here goes…
I am the mum who…
- left the room and didn’t go back for ages after taking the pregnancy test that would tell her she was pregnant, because she didn’t believe it would happen
- wanted so much to be pregnant, but when it was here sadly didn’t really enjoy the experience
- sings to her children every night before bedtime
- tickles her children to the theme from Jaws
- loves nothing more than a good hug
- loves the idea of craft with her children, but is really not so good at the ideas and the mess
- never expected motherhood to feel this way and to be this amazing
- who thinks her children are awesome, but is still grateful for bedtime
- worries that sometimes she spends too much time doing things when she should be playing
- loves watching her children grow and develop, but gets sad sometimes because it seems to be whizzing by so fast
- is too busy taking photos and is rarely in them
- thinks books are essential and buys far too many for her children
- thinks there’s nothing better than the sound of a child’s giggle
- has to watch herself or she would spoil her children rotten
- loves her family Legoland season ticket
- loves buying her children clothes
- thinks irons are evil and at 2 her son had no idea what one was!
- wishes her house was immaculate, but sadly doesn’t have the time
- loves to creep in and check on her children before bed, there is something so peaceful about sleeping children
- wonders what she ever did with her time before she had children
- never wants her children to grow up, but doesn’t want them not to either
- is regularly overcome by such a wave of love for her children, motherhood is the hardest, but best thing that ever happened to her.
I now tag:
Angela from Daysinbed
Trista from DomesticatedMomster
Donna from Whattheredheadsaid
Eiidh from MummyandMonkeys
Reference “wishes her house was immaculate….” – I have a sign in my kitchen that says “Only dull women have immaculate houses”. Nuff said.
Lol – but I bet you still wish it was tidier 😉 x
Lovely list Laura! I can relate to a lot of your list, esp irons which are ferry rarely used in this house! And time, what on earth did we do before being a mummy??!! Thanks for joining in x
Irons are evil contraptions! And I honestly have no idea what i did with my time before children. It’s crazy isn’t it?
Love this! I’m the one taking pictures and am rarely in them too. Does anyone actually enjoy the pregnancy experience!?
I have had a few mums say this miss being pregnant and I’m like really . Hurrah my body is back. Glad you feel the same though 🙂
Ah so many of these i can identify with. This is one of my favourite posts I’ve seen during this meme x
What a lovely thing to say thank you Hannah and I’m really glad you enjoyed it x
I do the Jaws tickle thing too lol!!Lovely list xx #picknmix
Yay someone else who Jaws tickles – great parenting technique ;-D
Awwww what a fantastic list! I nodded along with each one. I sneak up on my kids to the pink panther theme lol I love these as it’s such a lovely way to get to know other bloggers. #PicknMix
Thanks Becky. The Pink Panther is another good theme to use too. I think every parent has their individual quirks and as you say it’s really nice to find out about them 🙂
Oh I love this!! Thanks for the tag, I will do it ASAP. I have so many books for the boys, filled up 4+ boxes when moving house. I always check on them before bed and HATE ironing too. Mine was broken for a year, says a lot haha. Thanks so much for linking to #PickNMix
Ha ha ha I reckon my iron could be broken for a year too and I wouldn’t notice, I look forward to reading your post x
Love this post, I enjoyed doing my Mum who post and reading this we are very much alike as Mums 😉 I love my children but really didn’t enjoy pregnancy at all!
Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix lovely which opens again tomorrow! Little late commenting due to a poorly child and manic week, thank god it’s the hols now!
Stevie xx
Hope your little ones are feeling better. I know I so wanted to enjoy pregnancy too x
Thanks for the tag lovely! We also buy far too many children’s books and I love that you tickle them to the jaws theme. Hilarious! x
Is there such a thing as too many books? 😉 I think my children maybe traumatised when they finally watch Jaws lol! X