7 Tips to Survive Freshers’ Week

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Student freshers week

7 Tips to Survive Freshers’ Week

Freshers’ week can be one of the most exciting, yet equally stressful, times of any young person’s life. With this time of year fast approaching once more, we thought we’d put together a seven step guide to help you survive and enjoy this legendary week to the fullest.

1. Socialise with Housemates

Whether you’re in what people call “halls” (e.g. University of Huddersfield accommodation) or in a private rented house, you’ll probably have house or flat mates. Even if you’re not the most sociable of people, ensuring a good relationship with the people you’re going to live with for a year should be a top priority! If you are the sociable type, taking the lead and introducing yourself or organising a group meet during the first few days can make you seem confident and interesting. Just remember, some of the people you live with as a fresher might end up being your best friends by the end of the year, so at least make some effort!

2. Careful Drinking

For many people, university is the first time you’ll be away from home and living independently with people you don’t know. Add copious amounts of alcohol to the mix and you’ve got a recipe for embarrassment and dangerous behaviour. Drinking is a great way to relax and lubricate social situations, but go too heavy on the booze and you could do or say something you later regret!

A 2010 study found that 80% of students consider themselves as drinkers, so unless you have a strong moral or religious opposition to it, it is more than likely that you will encounter it often throughout your time at university. So keep yourself hydrated on nights out and be careful to not drink more than you can handle, and you’ll have a great night that doesn’t end up in tears or a trip to A&E.

3. Join a Club or Society

University is a great time to meet like-minded people who share your interests and could set up a lifelong friendship. To maximise your chances of meeting people with a shared passion, joining a club or society could be a great idea. From the purely social groups to sports teams, there’s usually something for everyone at UK universities. So speak to your student union today and find out what’s on offer. And who knows, you might even become president, captain or chair person and that looks great on your CV!

4. Budget

For many students, the student loan is a lot of expendable cash; for others, it barely covers their rent. In both cases, budgeting is a wise idea. It might be tempting to blow the whole lot in the first week, but ask many a third year student and they’ll tell you eating nothing but bread and pasta for days is no fun at all. Which leads us onto…

5. Free Stuff!

Cinema tickets, food, haircuts, bus passes – lots of things in university towns are free or heavily discounted for students. So search around for some bargains and never leave your student ID at home; you never know what you could save money on.

6. Explore

There’s many a hidden gem around the UK, and as a student you’ll have a lot of free time to look for them. No-one wants to be the person who still doesn’t know their way into town from the campus after two months, so get exploring!

7. Study

All the fun of freshers’ week can be distracting from the real purpose of university, which is, of course, to study. Take a look through your syllabus, get your timetable sorted and buy any books or equipment you need before you spend too much and you’ll be well prepared for your first proper week of study. Have fun during freshers’ week and in three years’ time you’ll wish you could re-live it all over again!

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