REVIEW: Get More Vitamin Drinks

Get More Vitamins and A Little More Vitamins Drinks Review

If you read my Five Children’s Food and Drinks I Hate post and as any of my close friends will know I have a rather strong dislike of Fruit Shoots. I have reason, the ones with sugar include an incredible amount of sugar and every single time my son has drunk a sugar free one he has catastrophically wet himself. So much so that he himself is actually happy not to drink them anymore.

Day to day, my children drink milk or water, but they are allowed some squash or fruit juice as treats. I have been so upset by watching TV shows where children have had to have their teeth removed due to drink excess sugary drinks, I am determined for this not to change.

So when I met More Vitamin Drinks at Blog on Win, I was a little skeptical. But after chatting to the team there who assured me the children’s drinks were both sugar and aspartame free I decided to give them a try. The sweetener in them is sucralose for those that are wondering how they get the flavouring.

I think it’s also interesting that the drinks contain vitamins. When my son was small, I went to a talk at our local doctor’s surgery about childhood illnesses. And the GP there was adamant that children should be on vitamin D supplements, because he was starting to see an epidemic of children suffering from vitamin D deficiency. Perhaps this is something for another discussion, but both of my children are on supplements because of this.

We were sent a selection of drinks to try – some of the adult range and some of the children’s. The children’s come in apple, mango and orange. The apple contains the same amount of vitamins as a multi-vitamin, mango – vitamin D and orange – vitamin C. My son absolutely loves them, and got very excited the times he could have them as a treat, so they were a big win there.

In the adult drinks we were sent sparkling blackcurrant and blueberry with vitamin A, still apple and raspberry with vitamin B, sparkling lemon and lime with multivitamins, sparkling orange with vitamin C, still cranberry and pomegranate with minerals and still mango and passion fruit with vitamin D. All of the adult drinks are also sugar free and just 6kcal per bottle.

My overall thoughts on the adult drink is that they were really quite sweet. My husband tried the cranberry and pomegranate one and said it actually reminded him a bit of bubble gum. I much preferred the sparkling drinks to the still ones and the blueberry and blackcurrant were by far my favourite. I would actually buy that flavour for myself again. As I liked the flavour and they offer a nice alternative to Diet Coke – the vitamin A would just be an added bonus.

That is of course I think the real point of difference of these drinks is that they of course contain vitamins. Would that make my buy them, in particular for my children? I’m not sure. As my children do not drink sweet drinks day to day I would be reluctant to introduce these drinks as a staple. As I personally would prefer for them to simply drink milk and water and I think this is a good habit for life in general.

However, as a treat, bearing in mind that a small 200ml carton of apple juice contains 20g of sugar, this makes for quite a nice alternative. I think if you have children that do not drink water or milk very well, or that you are concerned about their vitamin level, then this drink offers a solution to what could be an issue for you. Will I buying these drinks again – as a treat for my children yes I think I will. As a daily vitamin supplement, I’m afraid not, I still think water in general in the way forward. I will say my son was a huge fan of these though and get finding excuses as to why he should have one for that day. So he definitely gave them the thumbs up.

*Disclaimer: More Drinks sent me these drinks in exchange for an honest review.

9 thoughts on “REVIEW: Get More Vitamin Drinks”

  1. Never heard or seen these drinks but I have wrote about my dislike children drinking fizzy drinks (I’m sure you saw it) and these do look like a fab alternative for those who are drinking too much sugar. I’d probably give these a try but would only use them as a treat. In our house we will always stick to water! Glad your son liked them, he looks like he is enjoying them 🙂

    Gemma xx

    • Same for me, drinks like this will always remain a treat, but I actually think they’re a pretty good option as a treat (and yes I did see your fizzy drinks post 🙂 )

  2. I’d never heard of these drinks and might give them a try. My too like fizzy drinks far too much and won’t touch water. My own fault really.
    Think I might give these a go and see how we get on. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing. x

    • My children are younger so it’s easier to keep them away from fizzy drinks, I imagine it’s trickier as they get older. These do seem a good alternative 🙂

  3. I’m so with you on not giving children sugary drinks. T will be having water and milk only for as long as I can get away with it! These sound like a nice idea, but I think I would probably just stick with giving him vitamin supplements for now instead, maybe when he’s a bit older he could have one as a treat. Off to read your other post about food and drink now 🙂 xx

    • My son is a bit older and the treat type drinks so start to slip in more, parties etc. Definitely keep them water and milk for as long as possible 🙂


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